Interview with ToutesLesNuits: Writer of White is for Virgins

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Now we have an interview with ToutesLesNuits. She is the author of "White is for Virgins", a story that has over 3 million reads! Despite her great talent for writing, she is a true daydreamer at heart and always commits to herself to her goals. 

Name & Age?

Sonia (I’ll keep it at that), and I’m 18 this year.

When did you start writing?

I started writing at the end of seventh grade, newly 13, with amateur stories of summer love. I felt inspired!

How did you find Wattpad?

Wattpad was mentioned to me a few times once I started getting plagiarized. I had a Quizilla account then, and it was a hassle – Wattpad seemed pretty perfect and it was a safe place for my story. Ironically I finally checked it out when I heard someone was plagiarizing my story and putting it on Wattpad, using my account name on Quizilla. Funny how things work out, huh? :P

Who is your favorite author?

My favorite book author is Sarah Dessen, she’s managed to tap into adolescence and relationships and just plain feelings. Internet author? I really really enjoy anything by nexia or thenifoundfivedollars (fictionpress authors).

What is your favorite book?

“My Sister’s Keeper”. Hands down. It has my heart.

What is the first book you have ever read?

Uhh, “The Hungry Caterpillar”, I believe.

Where do you get ideas for your stories?

I love love, so I’m always inspired by cliché ideas from movies, music, pictures, and quotes. My more interesting ideas, chapters, and spins come from personal conversations or experiences, or from pictures I find on my weheartit app. I base a lot of stuff on plain fantasy – I’m a pisces, so I’m always daydreaming.

If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it?

Writer’s block! Nightmare! Sometimes it comes up when I can’t find a plausible link between one chapter I want to write and another… so I take some time to really figure it out. I look for more inspiration; maybe write a one-shot or short story to keep the writing juices flowing. Then I hope for the best! I keep at it!

Do you prefer reading or writing?

Daydreaming, above all; I imagine a full-length story I wish I could write in a day. Then if I’m too lazy to write, I read. So I guess reading answers that one.

Do you have any weird writing rituals like some authors do?

Writing rituals? No:) But now I kinda feel out of the loop … I always like to have a glass of green tea with me. Maybe some kettled-cooked chips, too. But that’s just for comfort.

Do you eat anything when you’re typing?

Snacks! I like to munch on slices of pepperoni or some chips maybe, if we have them at home.

What's your favorite Wattpad story?

I really enjoyed “Jennifer’s Garden”. I only fancy complete stories, so that was a gem that hit the heart.

Who's your favorite Wattpad writer?

I have yet to find one… :)

Out of all of your stories (if applicable) which one did you enjoy writing the most?

“White is for Virgins”. Like I tell people, it’s my baby. I grew with that story; it started out as a way for me to vent. After some hiccups with plagiarism and writer’s block, I found Wattpad and decided to finish it for my fans and also for myself. I wanted to finish the wonderful little story I had invested so much time and emotion into. There is no greater feeling than finishing a story and having so many people enjoy it and support you every step of the way. WIFV gave me so much as a writer and a girl growing up.

Are any of your characters based on real people?

Yes! Mostly the female characters I build off of myself and my friends; people I know. I write so much better when I know what I’m talking about :P

Who's your favorite character out of your stories?

;) Hmmm… I really enjoyed writing Marcos’ character. He is in my one-shot, “Getting the Gringa”, in my Sweetheart series. I knew him best, I think, because I’ve always been admired by Latino and South American boys in school and around family and friends. They’re fun, and sexy, and confident, and who doesn’t enjoy being around them? Who wouldn’t want one chasing after you? He was a personal little treat I wanted to share.

 Any hints on your upcoming work?

I started a new one-shot series, rated R just in case! And a cutesy story called “The Apple of My Pie”, which I’ve been dreaming about for forever and two days now. Trying not to get stuck yet! It’s hard to find motivation when fish don’t seem to be biting the bait, though.

In the future, will you be looking into maybe getting your work published? If so, which story will it be and why?

A lot of people have encouraged the idea of a published version of “White is for Virgins”. I’d really want to clean it up first, but I think if I were to get it published I’d definitely do that one. I’d want to autograph the copies for all my dedicated fans.

Who's your inspiration?

I’ve learned not to draw from one particular person. There’s so much out there in life, it all inspires me when I take it in.

Any tips for those who want to follow in your footsteps?

Have a plan, and commit! It’s nice to finish what you start, even if no one else reads it or praises it, you’ll have that for yourself. I never planned on getting so many reads, and no one should. But always stay hopeful and be proud of your work :)

Finally, what is your message to all the fans and readers who have supported you and your stories?

To my fans, THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH! You’ve all been so wonderful to me; patient, supportive, doting. I love you. I really love you.

To the person who recommended me for this interview, I am so flattered! I appreciate the thought :)

To the romance writers of the world, it’s amazing, isn’t it? Feeling and reading and wanting and creating love stories… bliss at its best. Never stop, please oh please <3

 To Wattpad, thank you for creating this safe haven for our work :) You saved my story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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