Interview with XxraspberryxX: The Writer of Cat calls are, officially, racist.

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Here's our interview with XxraspberryxX, the author of Cat calls are, officially, racist. A mythology fanatic, our author writes about all sorts of fun genres from demon to werewolf novels. She has a great imagination and loves to bring them to life through her writing. Enjoy!

Name & Age?

My name's Danica and I'm seventeen years old.

When did you start writing?

I've, unofficially, been writing since I was 7 when I wrote a story about a pair of pants named Pantalon who literally traveled the world to find a new home (because his home in the woods was bulldozered). 

How did you find Wattpad? 

I discovered Wattpad almost three years ago when I was browsing the App Store on my IPod looking for an app where I could read free stories.

Who is your favorite author?

I don't really have a favorite author anymore; I just read whatever sounds interesting.

What is your favorite book? 

I think my favorite book is a tie between The Dove Keeper by Alice Hoffman and The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

What is the first book you have ever read?

I honestly can't remember the first book I read, probably something in French, but I do remember my dad reading Olivia by Ian Falconer to my brother and I when we were little kids.

Where do you get ideas for your stories? 

My ideas come from everything around me; books, movies, songs. I'm also very much influenced by my own drawings, which is how I got started with Cat Calls are, Officially, Racist.

If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it?

Oh yes, not with CCAOR, but with a few other stories I'm writing. I usually try to imagine scenes that will come later on during the story and from there I back track, or I just take a step back from the story and analyze the situation, maybe make some sort of plan or something.

Do you prefer reading or writing?

Writing, because I absolutely love bringing scenes that I create in my heads and characters I piece together with my imagination to life.

Do you have any weird writing rituals like some authors do?

Does creating a (rather large) character profile count?

Do you eat anything when you’re typing?

Not unless I'm hungry, then it just depends what I can find in the pantry or on the fridge.

What's your favorite Wattpad story?

I really loved the Cupid Series by GermanSam (I'm a Greek mythology fanatic), especially Roman Roommate.

Who's your favorite Wattpad writer and why? 

DarknessAndLight would be my favourite author on Wattpad because she's written some fantastic stories (her most popular being I Sold Myself to the Devil for Vinyl’s, Pitiful, I Know) and numerous other fantastic stories of a number of genres, so there’s something for everyone.

Out of all of your stories (if applicable) which one did you enjoy writing the most?

The story I enjoyed writing the most... I've got to say, probably Demon Calling because Tatsu is just such a fun character to wrote about.

Are any of your characters based on real people?

My characters aren't exactly based on anyone in particular, but they are all given certain of my personality characteristics.

Who's your favorite character out of your stories?

Ace, from a soon to be Wattpad story called Ace of Spades. She’s a badass, knife throwing, assassin and I absolutely love her.

Any hints on your upcoming work?

I want to finish Demon Calling and Chasing the Unknown, and after that I'll either be posting Ace of Spades or another werewolf story titled Laun.

In the future, will you be looking into maybe getting your work published? If so, which story will it be and why? 

I would love to get my work published. I want to be an author in the future. From the ideas I have now, the ones I’d most likely publish would be Rising from the Ashes, which is about music and friendship, or Bal Masqué which is a love story between two teenagers.

Who's your inspiration? 

My inspiration to write? My imagination I suppose. I mean I didn't start writing for any noble purpose, it was just a means of entertaining at first, but I just adore bringing my thoughts to life. To me, it's one of the best feelings in the world.

Any tips for those who want to follow in your footsteps?

Make a story plan and kind of know which direction you want everything to go, this will help with organization and writers block. Also, pay close attention to grammar and style. Some people have such amazing ideas but because they can't present them properly, the full potential is not used.

Finally, what is your message to all the fans and readers who have supported you and your stories?

To all my fans and followers, you don't know how much I appreciate you all. It's an amazing feeling too know so many people enjoy reading what I've written and it's also a great confidence booster. I feel awful not posting as often as I used to when I first started and I really hope pay you all back everything you deserve.

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