I'll Lie For You - Chim

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Cheryl giggles, but as soon as Darren's foot pushes done harder on the accelerator, she panics. "Slow down," she warns, her head turning to look at Nicola.

The redhead takes a sharp intake of breath, her expression conveys a picture of pure fear. "Darren!"

"I can't!" The teenager snaps. "The police are fuckin' followin' us!"

And for the first time, Cheryl notices the blue, flashing lights homing in on the stolen car, and everything suddenly feels surreal, the extent of her actions dawn on her. "Pull over!" she strongly demands. 

Darren ignores her, his foot pushing down even further.

"Darren! Stop it! You're scarin' us! Pull over!" she pleads, the sound of her friends sobs in the back causing her own eyes to water.

"Please," manages Nicola.

Not knowning what to do, Cheryl leans over and grabs the wheel.

"Let go you stupid b*tch!" her angry boyfriend shouts. "You're goin' to make me crash..."

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