Chapter 20 - 23

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Chapter Twenty

“Tell me what we’re doin’ again?” Nicola moans, her feet aching as a result of being dragged around the whole of London.

“Handin’ out me CV to all the little coffee shops and cafes,” Cheryl smiles as they make their way down the busy street. “I used to work in a cafe in Newcastle before I moved here.”

“And what about your community service?” the redhead frowns. “It’s not as if you can work days?”

“Well, I’ve got around five weeks left to do, I’m sure I can work somethin’ out.”

Shaking her head, she strolls along regardless. “My feet hurt, can we go home?”

“One more, Nic,” Cheryl responds. “And then we can go home, ok?”

“You promise?”

“Promise?” she grins as she hooks arms with her.

* * * * *

“Right, thanks a lot,” Cheryl smiles to the woman behind the counter. 

“No bother. We’ll be in touch soon.” 

“Ok, bye.” Turning, she navigates her way through the shop and over to Nicola. “You ready?” she smiles down at her as she sits at a table in front of the window.

The younger girl nods her head. “Yeah. I think I just saw Kimberley’s mum walking by there,” she tells her before getting up. “Across the road.”

Cheryl looks out of the window, with hopes that she’ll catch a glimpse of the woman. “You sure?” she frowns as they make their way over to the door. 

“Blondish hair? Medium height? Good lookin’ for her age?”

“Aye,” she laughs. “That could of been anyone, babe.”

* * * * * 

“You look nice,” Cheryl smiles from her position on her mother’s bed. “That dress really suits you.”

“Do you think?” Joan blushes, not really used to wearing such revealing clothing. “I want to look nice you 

know; show all the other women up!” 

Cheryl nods. “I’m glad you’re havin’ a nice night out with the girls from work.”

The older woman turns to face her daughter, her expression one of slight shock. “Are you comin’ down with somethin’, pet!? You usually moan when I’m goin’ out,” she jokes with a giggle.

“Mam! No I don’t! You haven’t been out in a while, I just think it’ll be good for you.”

“Ok,” she beams. “Anyway, Joseph and Andrew are away out and I doubt they’ll be back until tomorrow. 

Gillian is stayin’ with her boyfriend. And Garry is over at Ben’s house, but I told him to be back here by ten, ok?”

“Cool,” Cheryl grins. 

Feeling bad because the teenager will be left in herself, Joan has an idea. “Why don’t you invite Nicola over?”

“She’s away to her dance class thingy.”

“What about Kimberley? She’s a nice lass, invite her over to stay.”

Cheryl shakes her head. “Nah, I’m fine on me own. Garry will be in soon.”

“Nonsense! There are some bacardi breezers in the fridge, you can have them if you want. There’s also plenty of food, I went shoppin’ yesterday. It would make me feel better knowin’ you have someone over with you, pet.”

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