Chapter 8 - 11

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Chapter Eight

Cheryl scuffs her trainers along the graveled ground as she waits impatiently infront of the large, wooden door.

It opens, a young, topless lad stands. "Hi," he grumbles, seemingly still half asleep and uncaring about protecting his modesty.

"Is Kimberley there?" Cheryl asks, trying but failing to stop herself from scanning his toned torso.

It must be Kimberley's little brother.

He takes a step to the side. "She's in the kitchen," he tells her.

Hesitantly, she steps inside. She waits until he has closed the door over and follows behind him. "Kimberley..." he starts as they near the kitchen. "Your pal is here."

Cheryl stands awkwardly at the door as everyone sitting at the table looks up at her, Kimberley looking a little strange.

The blonde squeals at the realization of the girls presence. "Adam! You're a fuckin' prick!" she almost shouts.


Giggling sligtly, Cheryl smiles when the same older woman she's seen on several occasions throws her a wink.

"Don't call your brother that!"

Kimberley shakes her head, the embarrassment of being caught with a bright blue face mask on proves more mortifying than she could ever of imagined. Taking it in her stride, she gets up and plasters a fake smile on her face, trying not to convey it. "Come on up to my room," she says to the Geordie girl.

Cheryl smiles at the family members before following behind. "Do you know what me favourite cartoon is?"

"Yeah, leave it out!" replies Kimberley, knowing the girl is taking the p!ss. Approaching the stairs, she jogs up them.

Ingnoring her completely, Cheryl continues anyway. "The smurfs. There is just somethin' about their little blue faces that makes them so appealin'!" There isn't a response and she stifles a giggle. "Not a mornin' person, eh?"

"I'd loved to have walked in on you looking like this!"

She shrugs. "I don't need all that sh*t on me face... I've got beautiful skin."

Kimberley turns to look at Cheryl as they enter her room, scanning her fresh, make-up free features. "Yeah, I can't actually disagree with you on that one. You do have beautiful skin." Smiling, she pads across the room towards the bathroom. "Make yourself at home Cheryl. I'm just going to take this off."

"I'll just put these on your bed." Placing the bag of clothes down, Cheryl sits on the edge and looks around. Like before, she can't get over how big the room is. The walls are painted a deep shade of red, the main one houses a large desk, a computer and books among the items it holds. There is also a cream coloured sofa beside the large bay window on her left, a televison set sits a few feet away. 


Turning, she watches as Kimberley comes walking back into the room, still wearing the small shorts and tank top she had been wearing downstairs, the only difference being her bare face. "Your room is really nice you know," she compliments.

Giving the Geordie a quick glance, Kimberley smiles. "Thanks. It's my little sanctuary."

"Little! It's f*ckin' huge! Me room is like... a tenth of the size!" Crossing her legs, Cheryl shakes her head in disbelieve. 

"I know," winks Kimberley. "Figure of speech." Walking over to her large cupboard, she pulls out a baggy jumper and pulls it over her head. "So, I noticed you eyeing up my brother in the kitchen, do you like him?" she casually asks, laughing a little as the girls cheeks turn the same colour as her walls, and so she continues, getting her revenge back for the torture she had to endure only moments earlier. "Do you want me to set up a date? Maybe I can slip you his number? He's only 16 you know, the same age as you."

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