Chapter 12 - 15

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Chapter Twelve

"Alright p!ss head?"

"You can talk!" Kimberley shouts back after locating the Geordie sitting on the grass, her top scrunched up, exposing her midriff. "What you doin'?" she asks as she makes her way over, shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand.

"Sunbathing," replies Cheryl, giggling when Kimberley's dogs charge towards her. "F*ckin' hell!" she manages before all of them start jumping ontop of her, each attacking her with their tongue.

The blonde laughs. "Shouldn't you be doing work? You know, picking up rubbish and driving the little lawnmower?"

"F*ck off! I'm on me break."

"You get a break!?" she exclaims. "Isn't every day here a break for you, though? All you do it lie on your arse, Cheryl!"

She doesn't want to laugh at the comment, but she can't help it and Cheryl finds herself letting out a few giggles. "Cheeky b*tch! And I do get a break!"

"What time do you get it then? And how long for?"

"Whenever I want to take it and for as long I want," she smirks before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a packet of cigarettes.

Taking a seat infront of her, Kimberley looks on unimpressed. 

"Want one?" Cheryl offers, not really knowing what her problem is. "And could you please move over a bit? You're gettin' in the way of me sun."

Tutting, Kimberley does as instructed and moves over to her right. "Happy? And no I don't want one, they're terrible for your health... cancer sticks is what I like to refer to them as."

"Aye, thanks for that doctor Walsh," winks Cheryl.  Holding her hand out, she signals for the blonde to hand her the rubber ball she's clutching. "Give us it..." 

Kimberley hands it over and watches as she stands up, the cigarette caught between her lips in a manly fashion as she throws it as far as she can, the dogs rushing off to retrieve it. 

"Where were you off to anyway?"

"Just a walk around the lake," she answers. "We broke for the summer at college today, so that's why I'm home so early."

"Cool." Sitting back down again, Cheryl blows out a cloud of smoke. "What about Adam and that...?" she casually asks, not making eye contact. Leaning back, she tilts her head and stares up into the light blue sky.

"Why?" Kimberley smirks, raising a brow. "He's in the house if you wanna go and pay him a little visit."

"Do I f*ck like! I was only askin'!"

"I still can't believe you snogged him you know," she continues to push, trying to provoke a reaction out of the Geordie. 

As she stubs out her cigarette, Cheryl leans back onto her elbows, squinting her eyes to keep the sun out of them while she glares at the girl. "I was drunk." Deciding that her top is still too low, therefore her stomach isn't getting enough exposure, she quickly sits forward to roll it up more before going back to her previous position. "Drink makes people do some crazy sh*t," she adds. "It's not uncommon."

"F*ck! And there was me looking forward to us becoming stepsisters! I'm truly gutted."

She lets out a small laugh, because never in her life has she met someone quite like Kimberley. Someone who can give as good as she gets. "I think I've met me match. You have an answer for everythin'!"

"Nah," protests Kimberley. "I just don't take any sh*t... especially of hormonal, 16-year-old Geordie's."

"Aye, definitely met me match," Cheryl nods, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, I'm not scared of you or anythin'." She looks on as the girl opposite frowns, shaking her head. "What?"

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