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Soonyoungeeuuu: Asheu-ssi! Where have you been?!

Asheeuuu: Sorry. I just ate.

Soonyoungeeuuu: Ate what? o.O Gimme' Some! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Asheeuuu: Pizza. I don't want : P

Soonyoungeeuuu: Waeeeeeeeee?

Asheeuuy: I don't wannaaaaaa!

Soonyoungeeuuu: Not even a bite? *Puppy Eyes*

Asheeuuu: Ew. are you pouting rn?

Soonyoungeeuuu: Yes. Wanna see? I'll send a pic.

Asheeuuu: No! Please nooooo!

Soonyoungeeuuu: Pff. I was just joking!

Asheeuuu: Tss. Bastard.

Soonyoungeeuuu: Don't call me bastard! Call me baby ;)

Asheeuuu: Ohmaygash stahp!

Soonyoungeeuuu: Wae? ;)

Asheeuuu: Asdfghjkl I'm gonna block you know.

Soonyoungeeuuu: No! Please Stay :(

Asheeuuu: Okay.

Asheeuuu: Hey! Can i ask you something!

Soonyoungeeuuu: Sure! What is it?

Asheeuuu: What's your full name?

Asheeuuu: Where did you live?

Asheeuuu: When is your birthday?

Asheeuuu: Is there something or someone who is really close to you..Like uhm.. A girl?

Soonyoungeeuuu: Whoa Chill.

Soonyoungeeuuu: Why are u asking this btw?

Asheeuuu: I don't know! Aish! Just answer it!

Soonyoungeeuuu: Meh :/ I Don't believe you!

Asheeuuu: Okay fine. I'm just curious._.

Soonyoungeeuuu: Pfff.

Soonyoungeeuuu: Kwon Soonyoung (I'm not a girl-.-)

Soonyoungeeuuu: Namyangju-si,Gyeongi-do. I currently live in Seoul rn.

Soonyoungeeuuu: June 15. 1996

Soonyoungeeuuu: For the last question..Yes there is. It's a girl. She's my childhood best friend. We really enjoyed each other's company. I remembered when we're still kids. Hahaha. You know the show We got married right? Hahaha We made our own version of wgm back then. We even kissed because of the oh-so-called mission. I don't want to lie, But i liked it. I thought it's just puppy love or something but as times past by My feelings for her grew..and grew..and grew. Until she left. She left me. She left me because she need to go to america. Where you exactly live. Back then, when she was in america and I was here in korea We still have contact to each other but then..The school year started and Summer Break ended. We've lost contact. I tried to contact her but It was no use. She didn't replied to my messages. Days, weeks, Months passed and still no reply from her. and for that, I've hated her. I hate her because she left me. She left us. I hate her because she didn't replied to my messages. I hate her because I loved her. I hate her because i still care and love her.

Soonyoungeeuuu: Omo.

Soonyoungeeuuu: Is my story that long? HAHAHA

Soonyoungeeuuu: Yaaaa!

Soonyoungeeuuu: Where are you?!

Soonyoungeeuuu: Are you gonna leave me like she did?

Soonyoungeeuuu: Don't leave me pls

Asheeuuu: Ya! I'm not going to leave you!

Asheeuuu: I'm always here. Don't worry ;)


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