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It's been a week since Hoshi and I aren't talking. No messages. But my phone keeps on Ting-ing :3 Like almost everyday. do you know who it is from? It's from Carroteen_ ! Hoshi's crush :3 Psh.

[Carroteen_: Hey! I'm not going to talk to hoshi. i want to talk to you ashley.]


[Me: Yeah sure.]

[Carroteen_: I just want to say that hoshi is your soon. It's awkward because I'm saying this behalf of hoshi :3 What a fatbag-.- ]

[Me: And you're saying this..why?]

[Carroteen_: SoonSoon is suffering..He's suffering because his heart is broken. Did you know how much he cared and suffered when you're starting to act cold towards him? He keeps asking me 'Why is she so cold to me?' 'Does Ly don't love me anymore?' 'She said she will never leave me but..Why is she like this?' and the last thing is..I don't want to say it. I know it will just break your heart. But, Please. Go to soonsoon. Tell him that you love him. Tell him you're sorry. He really suffered a lot ashley. Please.. For soonyoung.]

Did he really suffered?

[Me: Please tell me the last thing. please.]

[Carroteen_: But..]

[Me: Please..]

[Carroteen_: 'Should i give up already? Should i just..free her?']


[Carroteen: Wait..When is the last time Soonyoung messsaged or chatted you?]

[Me: Uhm..Like a week ago?]

[Carroteen_: Oh fuck.]

[Carroteen_: You better message him ashley or else!]

[Me: Or else what?]

[Carroteen: Or else He will let you go..]

Then there, A tear fell into my eyes. S-soon.

Omaygahd what am i writing? LOL
Look at the mm! ㅋㅋㅋ Naega Hosh is lifeu.
It's funny how hoshi said Naega Howsh instead of Naega Hosh in some of their broadcasts. It's cute anyway ^.^ Happy New Year By the way LOL

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