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Asheu: Yah! Hoshi-ah!

Asheu: Y u not reply? :'<

Asheu: Hoshiiii

Asheu: I'm bored, Talk to me!

Asheu: Heeeeyy! T_T

Asheu: Asdfghjkl. I'm so bored!

Asheu: Ash: BORED AF

Hosh: I'm busyyyyy

Asheu: Really? What are you doin'?

Hosh: Secret~ Brb^^

Asheu: What the?- DONT LEAVE ME! tss-.-

I sighed. It's boring again._. What should i do?! Asdfghjkl. I opened my wattpad app and logged in.

What the fuck? Naega Hosh?(Lol don't-) hoshi and me? Hoshi?Hoshi?Hoshi?!

"KWON SOONYOUNG!!!!" I screamed when I realized hoshi did this. Fck that asshole getting into my nerves :3

Suddenly, My notification bar turned red. wut da?

[Carroteen_ wrote in your Message Board: "Hey~ Thanks for the votes! Keke. I see your bias in seventeen is Hoshi. omg we're the same! Hahaha!"]

TF?! Bias?Seventeen? What?!

[Carroteen: "So..Friends?"]

What the?! I didn't even rep-- [Ashcream: "Your welcome! hehe. Yes My bias is hoshi 'cause he's so handsome and cute! I just can't get enough of him >_<"]

So this is what he says Busy huh? Tss!
I'm so done with this self-mance(ness)!!!! Urgh! He's so dead later!-_-

Lol. So, First of all..All the usernames that I've mentioned aren't real, 'kay? I don't even know who's carroteen_ and Oreos LOL. Well, Ashcream. It's kind of a username that I've borrowed. lol borrowed. So yeah. I just want to make things clear. It's christmas break, So I've got so many inspirations so make sure to wait for it! Hehe. Ciao~

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