Chapter 1

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"I'm Malachite now."

Lapis Lazuli was sucked down a whirlpool. Steven tried to say something else, but he couldn't. Just then, Lapis and Jasper's abominable fusion emerged from a bigger whirlpool in this green and blue space. Suddenly, Steven found himself underwater with their fusion.

"No!" it shouted.

Steven woke up, gasping for air.

"This... Is a weird party," Steven heard Garnet standing a few feet away.

"Garnet!" shouted Steven, "I was flying and dogcopter meowed and wasn't interested in anything I had to say- and I might have some issues I need to work out- but Lapis! Lapis was there and-"

"Shhhhh,"  soothed Garnet, "I know your worried, but there's nothing we can do about it now, so take it easy. I'll show you how it's done." Garnet fell on her face.

"That's pretty convincing," commented Pearl.


Steven only heard a faint snore.

The next day was normal. Only one mission with some plant-monster. It became nighttime. Garnet tucked him into bed.

"What's the matter, Steven?" asked Garnet, "I can sense that you're worried."

"What if I dream of Lapis again?"

"You won't tonight, I promise," assured Garnet.

"But what about every night for the rest of my life?" Steven asked.

"She'll be okay Steven. Now go to bed."

Before Steven could say anything else, Garnet already was at the door to the temple. She activated her door and walked inside.

Steven sighed and quickly drifted to sleep.

Steven woke up, well at least he think he did, in an enclosed room colored like the realm Lapis was in, but darker.

"This must be the dark side of their fusion," thought Steven.

Six feet in front of him, he saw Jasper on the ground with chains around her ankles and wrists. The chains came from the roof of this enclosure.

"You? AGAIN?!" shouted Jasper. She charged at the boy and before she could touch him, the chains held her back and pulled her back to her original position. 

Jasper pulled and yanked at the chains, which had no effect. Steven tried to talk to her.

"STOP!" Steven yelled, "Please! I don't want to see you two lose your sanity! Please! Just stop struggling! Join the Crystal Gems, Jasper!"

Jasper's breathing slowed and there was a long pause of silence.

"NO!" Jasper roared as she tugged and flailed her arms, "I'd rather spend eternity in here than on this miserable rock with that lost, defective Pearl, the overcooked runt, and that SHAMELESS DISPLAY!" This time the chains tightened and she roared out of pain.


"Steven," said Jasper panting,"tell Garnet I'm sorry."

"Of cour-"


Steven woke up with a shriek and started sobbing uncontrollably. Luckily Pearl, like always, was sitting at the foot of his bed.

"Oh Steven! What's the matter?"

Garnet and Amethyst came out from their rooms to comfort Steven.

"Tell us what happened," said Garnet.

"She was just so mean!" cried Steven.

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