Chapter 3

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"I can't rescue Jasper without some new weapons to defeat those Crystal Clods!" thought Peridot while flying on her helicopter fingers, "They will most likely all be together, in one place, so I need a weapon with a wide firing range. Hmm..."

Peridot stopped hovering and landed on a hill. Conveniently, there was an old barn with lots of old tools and machine parts on this particular hill.

Peridot pried the door open, stepped inside, and took a look around at what she had to work with.

"Ugh! Everything on this cruddy planet is archaic!" she whined, "I suppose I'll have to work with whatever I've got," she said monotonously. 

"Oh well Peridot! This is a challenge to your skills as a Technician! Let's go!" she reassured herself.

She stroked her chin while looking at all the machine parts.

"Hmm..." she thought to herself, "It'll have to be portable so I can sneak into the Crystal Clods residence inconspicuously with it. It'll have to be powerful, yet defensive..."

"Aha!" she finally said out loud, "I know exactly what to do."

(Back at Crystal Gem temple)

"Steven! We're going out! Watch Lapis!" called Pearl.

They warped to somewhere, and Steven sat next to Lapis on the couch. He brought her a glass of water.

"No thanks, Steven," said Lapis weakly.

He set the cup down on the table. The water in the cup started to rise up. Steven looked at Lapis, who was looking at the water.

"Are you trying your powers?" Steven asked.

Lapis nodded.

The water made it all the way out of the cup before it dropped back in. Lapis sighed.

"What are you going to do now?" Steven asked.

Lapis was too tired to answer, so she just shrugged.

"Should I just let you rest alone?" Steven asked.

Once again, Lapis nodded instead of a verbal response.

Steven was about to go up the stairs to his room, when the door to his house exploded.

"What?" Lapis was half awake when she suddenly heard an explosion.

"Jasper! I'm here!" Lucky for Peridot, it was just Steven and Lapis in the room.

"Aha! Now get out of the way or face the wrath of my new laser cannon!" she showed them the portable laser cannon in her hands.

"What else can it do?" asked Steven trying to stall Peridot.

"It can also erase up to 6 months of your memory! Hey!"

Steven was trying to get Lapis into the protection of his mother's room while Peridot was talking. Rose's Room didn't close in time. Peridot was inside.

"No!" Steven yelped.

Steven was carrying Lapis and he ran into a wall that led to Garnet's Burning Room.

"Woah!" All three of them fell down hard on the floor.

Steven shook his head. He looked up and saw Peridot about to blast them with her new laser cannon. It loaded up and a laser ball fired at Lapis and Steven. Steven braced himself. Lapis was willing to accept this blast. She didn't want to live anymore. She was exhausted, in pain, and wanted to get hit. Before the blast hit them, Steven's gem glowed through his shirt and Steven's shield blocked the blast.

"What?" said Peridot.

"Phew," Steven sighed.

"Whatever!" said Peridot aiming at the air.

Steven looked up at the air where Peridot was aiming.

"Oh no." Peridot was aiming at a bubble.

Peridot shot two bubbles and they both popped.

The two gems that came out were a flat, ice-blue gem and a tiny, orange, rhombus-shaped gem.

"Oh, crud," Steven said.

Both gems regenerated. They were the Ice monster and Jasper.

The Ice Monster swung its arm. Jasper looked up at Peridot, who was holding out her fingers.

The Ice Monster started to melt from the heat coming from the burning fountain.

"Lapis, now!"

Lapis managed to wake up, and took the melting water off the Ice Monster and formed it into a ball. She spun it quickly like a basketball like the time when she almost hit Steven.

She shot it at the Ice Monster. The Ice Monster tripped backwards and fell into the burning fountain.

The monster poofed and Steven caught its gem. Steven quickly bubbled it and ran outside Garnet's room with Lapis. Jasper and Peridot almost made it out the big hole where Steven's screen door once was. Before they reached it, right when they crossed the warp pad actually, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl came in through the warp pad.

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