The Next Day

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Sammy POV

I woke up cuz I had to use the restroom. I look at my phone to see what time it was, it was 4, 4 in the damn morning. I went to the bathroom when I came out Rose was asleep still. She's so cute when she sleeps. I've had a crush on her since we were in kindergarten I just haven't told her cuz I feel like she's going to get uncomfortable and not talk to me. I don't know. I couldn't fall back to sleep so I stayed up until 5 then I got tired of being bored so I fell back to sleep.

Rose POV

I woke up cuz I herd crying. I checked my phone real quick and it was 5:30 It wasn't coming from inside the house though. I wanted to go outside to see who was crying but I sure as hell wasn't going alone. I wasn't going alone for two reasons

1.its 5 in the damn morning which means it's still dark outside

And 2. In scary movies when they hear crying and go check it out alone something always goes wrong

So I decided to wake up Sammy which I really didn't want to cuz he looked so cute with messy hair. Yes I have a crush on him. I've had a crush on him since kindergarten. I woke him up anyway.

S: What's up
R: How do you wake up so fast??
S: I woke up at 4 tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't.
R: Oh
S: Yeah
R: I herd crying but it's coming from outside.
S: Are you sure it's not Mya crying in her sleep?
R: Its not Mya I know how she Crys. I wanted to go but I didn't want to go alone
S: You want me to go with you
R: Please
S: Ok

We walked outside and someone was sitting on the bricks between our house and the Jacks house. We walked closer and it was...

Happy New Years Eve!!
Sorry I haven't updated I've been busy I'll try to update tomorrow.

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