Chapter 5: Welcome in the crazy

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Not caring about anyone or anything is like a walk in the park for me and no one can bug me and tell me what to do not even my smelly old professor Mr.Rink he can be so stupid and disoriented at times and nobody knows what the hell he is saying or teaching. and today was no different. Like last week when I flew through traffic In my friends car not caring about these  poor, lifeless sobs that have no rights being on these streets. I'll cut off three people to run my red light if I have to.

"All right we have another assignment and you will be using the same partners you had before ." Mr.Rink scrolled, I look over and see Trent and he just wave at me like I'm his friend,Ew! he thinks he can be friends with me the daughter of the Joker. I mean he hasn't even hung out with me at all the only time we hung out was when we did that project during winter break.         

He sits down at MY lunch table and he thinks he can just start talking about the project?! I super seed him on every chart there is." So what do you want our power point to be about Anorexia Nervosa? Mood disorders? Personality disorders? Psychotic disorder?

I just stay silent and hope he leaves.

"what happen to you over break?" Trent questions me with a slight sass in his tone of voice

"Nothing I'm perfectly normal." I scrolled

"Then how is it that you don't make googly eyes at me every time you see me in the halls are me talking to you right now." Trent replies

"maybe I've given up on you and I don't love you like I did back then."I entail.

I just stare and think of all the way I could torture him. I always want my father to think of me as a success instead of a failure I finally understand why my father sent me here, not to make friends or get an education but to put a smile on everyone's face and make them suffer and rue the day they came across me and my family.

They will remember the joker name and this day will go down in history as the day the joker was, wait why should my father get all the credit when people should fear me,me I will rule the world! I get up and leave Trent by himself so I can make my master plan. I'm walking in the hallway and there is no one else but I sense a presence when someone grabs my wrist but when I look back It's none other than Trent. I drop my backpack and fling my fist at him but he catches it and pushes me against the lockers.He pushes me on the locker  and kisses me on the lips,I try to fight it but I can't help myself but to go along.

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