Chapter 7:Truth Be Told About the "Death in the Family"

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"I'm from Smallville, born and raised by my father Jack and my mother Jill. I was home schooled for most of elementary through Jr. year of high school an-"

"What High school did you attend  to?"Trent cuts me off,startled  me sending my mind into a panic. I could feel my face getting red as I frantic scan my brain for an answer but nothing came to mind. Trent looks interested and confused at the same time, my heart and brain were racing, If he knew I was from Gotham City he would lose his mind.

And honestly the only reason I left that broken city was because of what my father did to Jason Todd......and what he would have done to me if he knew I help Jason escape the bomb my mother placed.

I leave Trent's Face and look at the city lights in front and off the cliff we were on, reflecting on my past. "Well how about I'll tell you where I went to school if you tell me about where you came from." I say in a confident/flirty way "you never talk about your self and if we are going to take our relationship to new heights I would like to know my man." I turn my head and see that Trent is facing the lights and smiling. Well at least I learned one thing from my mom, Thank you revers psychology, but seeing Trent smile made me feel happy that I turned that panic and fear into a weapon, not to kill but a possible way to strike fear into people.

 I clench my hand and get a fist full of dirt do I tell him or do I let him find out on his own time?!  "Trent I have a confusion to say I'm-"

"So do you wanna go on a date?" his head turns to face mine.

"Om I don't think I'm the dating type, I've got problems out of my own like my family and scho-"

"Just because the Joker is your dad doesn't mean you don't get a life off your own. Your parents are pyco paths but that doesn't mean you need to be." Trent says with a simile on his face. I just look at him scared and confused. "how do you know about that,I never told you that or anyone!" I exclaim "sorry I was such a jerk last week my dad did something and its messed me up pretty bad." all Trent dose is put his hand on top of mine and smile. "well your perfect to me."

I turn to Trent ," On that note maybe now would be a good time to take me home"! I grab my stuff and start to walk back to his car. I hear a scuffle behind me and I feel Trent grab my wrist, I turn around to face him " don't lie to me, I want to help and know the real you ." he says with such sympathy in his voice. " I really need to go home now, I've got a big exam tomorrow and I don't wanna be sleepy." obviously the exam was a lie but I need to get him away from me so I can process this alone and just think about school, we still need to finish our psych report. "Fine I'll take you home but I still wanna continue our conversation" he lets go of my arm and stars to walk back to the car pulling his key chain out and trying to find his car key. "No, I'm not gonna talk about anything with you, and just because you said that I' m going to walk home all by myself and you aren't going to do or say anything about it." I walk to the west of his car, as I start going down the dirt road that lead up to the hill. I am confused and mad and all I hear is Trent yelling at me then a few seconds later his car starts up.I know he is coming so I do the most Idiotic thing  I have ever done in my life , I close my eyes and walk off the cliff, Trent's breaks are the last thing I hear before total silence.

                                                                     *Trent's P.o.v*

My head lights hit her back as the speedometer his 20mph,I her body shift towards the edge  I bump up the speed to 27 when she disappears off the cliff as my car reaches the ledge I slam on the brakes when the screeched I slammed the car in park and got out seeing her body laying on a rock below I ran to my trunk and and grab my grappling hook and propelled down to hear and her bag. Brooklyn's head is very bloodied and her skin is pale like her father,though the nerves in my body fail me. almost dropping her limp body on more jagged rocks.  We get up and I carefully put her in the back seat, trying to find something to stop the bleeding.

I carry Brooklyn to her bed in her dorm. I'm glad the bleeding stopped, I know I should've taken her to the hospital  but Brooklyn nor I couldn't afford the bill that it would take to help her heal. I lay her on her bed and cover her up. I peck her forehead and leave her dorm quietly feeling bad she is in this much pain.

The End,

Hey, sorry this was a filler I need to move the story along. but i wonder what Trent is doing with a grappling hook in his car?

Rock on,


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