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-not edited-

"Who's your daddy" Sasuke purred

In that moment we both bursted in laughter. He fell backwards almost falling off the bed and our laughter never stopped. Tears ran down my cheeks and I continued laughing, but not able to move much of course, since I was still currently cuffed on the bed.

"Ha-Ha, I- I can't believe you said that" I choked out barely managing to speak properly.

The laughing still continued until Sasuke Calmed down a bit, tears dripping off his cheek. His breaths we're still uneven and he was holding back laughs. I attempted to calm down, and hold back my laughs but ended up chucking them out and erupting in more laughter.

Minutes passed and we came to a complete stop. He wiped his tears with his sleeves on his shirt. He came towards me and uncuffed me, rubbing my bruised wrist for comfort. He then gave me a concerned look.

"You should've told me they were too tight" he whispered, worry filled in his voice.

"They weren't, and it wasn't really painful, I liked it alot " I winked and he winked back a soft smile curved onto his lips.

A giggle came out of my lips and he got back up and went towards another one of my drawers pulling out a pair of my boxers.

"Here" he said as he threw my boxers which ended up landing right on my face, much to my discomfort. Of course there was a laughing sasuke in the background and I glared hoping he'd see it through the thin layer of cloth.

I peeled them off my face looking at the still laughing sasuke. I put them on tired of being so naked and exposed in front of the raven and followed him to the the kitchen.

"Its weird that you know this house better that me" I teased as he went through the cabinets, grabbing ingredients for chocolate chip pancakes.

"I don't like the house next to this, so I'm letting someone rent it. And my tree house, well it's great but I like being with you instead" he admitted, no shame in his words

Crimson red covered my face at his words, how was he not embarrassed.

"Y-yeah that makes sense" God when was the last time I stuttered.

There was silence, but it was comfortable,  and I actually enjoyed just the sound of the sizzling Bacon, which I might add smelt fucking delicious. I walked to my beautiful orange couch and hugged one of it's fluffy pillows. Here I was, left with my own thoughts which was a very, very bad thing.

It started with Sasuke and again my mind flies places,  deep places at that. Now sasuke, God sasuke I love him and I know I do. Did he even love me?, was i just a toy?. Did I even mean something to him, I could just be a game to him.

I squeezed the pillow tighter and help hold in the tears. I love him I know I do but I couldn't tell him, I really couldn't. Especially since I had so much doubt in whatever you called this thing. I mean who wouldn't,  nothing was official, only that we had a lot of sex. Shit what did I sign myself into. I hate getting rejected, I always had and I have no idea why.

A wave of worry passed through my body as I knew we had to talk about it. What we are, he had called me boyfriend just a day ago, so I wanted to see if we we're official, if he trusted me, if he well, loved me.

"Sasuke?" I asked carefully,  afraid I will mess this up.

"Yes cutiebooty" he teased, yelling from the kitchen.

"God we're not doing this again" I laughed walking back to the kitchen.

"No, But for realzies" I said

"I dont know if I could take you that serious when you say 'for realzies'" he laughed

"Yeah, but Sasuke" I started

He turned around a with a concerned and worried face.

"Yes?" he said cautiously

"What exactly are we" I practically blurted out.

the room was quiet except for him continuing to make pancakes.

God why did I say it, I have to get out of this. I can't do this, he going to say something like 'I'm just here for sex'  or  'you're just a toy'.

Fear  Is what I felt right now .

And what I was afraid of, well that was rejection.


Rejection is an avoidable part of life. Nevertheless, rejection is a very painful experience. But life would be very boring without it. A person that has never experienced rejection is a sheltered little fuck with a perfect life; someone who has never had to work hard for anything. A person that is a stranger to struggle, pain and rejection is not worthy of respect. Even those people with "perfect" lives that never experience rejection are miserable. Look at any young rich celebrity; they're all strung out on all types of substances. Rejection is an experience that makes us all stronger. The world is a hard and cold place. Not getting the girl or guy of your desires or not getting to live the life you want will only give you the inspiration to try harder and improve yourself as a person.

But even so I couldn't bear the pain i'm weak. I couldn't get broken in order to fix myself all together when I could just avoid it all in general . After all I was broken from the start.

My thoughts were interrupted with Sasukes deep voice.

"Naruto, what exactly do you want us to be" he whispered worry practically dripping from his lips.

His hands became shaky, and you could tell he was extremely nervous.

Shit, I fucked up. This little game was just to play, we weren't supposed to catch feelings. I bet those thoughts are running through his head right now..there was supposed to be no feelings in this right.

I give up, fuck trying anymore, cause when you find something you lose it.

He's only worried because he doesn't want to let me down hard, he doesn't care. He just doesn't want feel the guilt of breaking another one of his toys heart.

. . . .

"I want us to be ju-" Naruto choked on his words. His thoughts causing him to change his mind about Sasuke.

The silence was awkward and uncomfortable, both searching for words to speak. But fearing the others response.

"I don't know" Naruto whispered.

Yeah he was running, he was honestly terrified with admitting his feelings, he had never done this before nor had he even felt this way before. And with the way he thought about Sasuke he knew what he had to do, somewhat at least, even if it meant running away, backing down from the risk of more pain in his life.

He hated being rejected and god if Sasuke rejected him he wouldn't know what to do, therefore he ran ignoring this stupid little problem they had created.

"I honestly have no fucking clue" Naruto laughed sarcastically.

"I don't think we we're nothing from the start" he whispered barely audible.

Sasukes fist clenched and he bit his cheek hard til he practically drew blood.

"God dammit" he growled

Forcefully turning the stove off, leaving the Bacon uncooked he ran outside. Roughly slamming the door shut on his way out.

Naruto stayed in silence, God how did he always end up fucking everything up. And he just made the situation worse.

And of course with his fear of rejection, he was gonna do nothing about it. Except rebel of course.

God he needed a pill to get his mind off of things.

I m sorry but yeah thats life and yeah

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