Naruto Uzumaki

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Umm... hey, here's my story umm yahh.., this is my first fanfic i actually posted so dont be to judging, if i have some mistake tell me and if you have any ideas comment.

   Abandoned, minutes after being born, Naruto was raised on the streets, barely getting by each sad day. Being on the streets for most of his unfortunate life, he had become addicted to drugs at the age of 14. He had been through a shit ton, even his first OD at 15.

Luckily, Naruto found a lovely couple that had been more than willing to take him to there amazing home when he was 15, they found him at the hospital after, lets say maybe 4th overdose. Their names were Kakashi and Iruka. He had no problem with their sexual preferences, in fact, he thought it was cute. Not to mention the fact that when he was 15 he figured out, he himself was also very much gay.

  The couple helped Naruto get clean, it had been two years now since he's done drugs but recently he's been starting up again, without his parents knowledge of course.

After his last suspension at school, and not to forget his arrest, his parents finally snapped at his ungrateful actions and decided to move into a small quiet town, with a very low crime rate and very good graduation rates at about 98%. therefore he would not be able to find the wrong crowd and actually get his shit together.

But oh how they underestimated their son, Naruto Uzamaki

. . . .

"Sleep Soon, tomorrow is your first day at school!" Iruka screamed from his room to mine.

"Mhmm" I mumbled as I shut my door.

No, we couldn't just wait until the end of the year to move, we just had to move in the middle of the goddamn year. Also I had no way to tell my friends bye or anything, not like they cared but still.

'Tomorrow is gonna be hell'

Slipping my shirt on, i grabbed my phone to see a message from Yamato, my social security worker.

"Have a great day at school tomorrow :), I used to work around there all the time, it's a great place and maybe you'll finally come to your senses"

"Oh, i'm flattered" I responded 

. . . .

"Naru, it's time to get up" I opened my eyes to see a gray haired man in front of me. I turned my head to the clock, it was 6:45.

"Breakfast will be ready in 20, please be ready" he said and then simply walked out closing the door shut.

"Mmm" I mumbled

I took a quick shower and put on some black skinny jeans that I found sprawled on the floor in the closet along with a loose orange shirt. I was also wearing the blue necklace that I won on a bet, a gray beanie, a chain on my pants , and some black converse. I walked out my room and sped down the stairs. The smell of maple syrup filled my nostrils.

"Waffles. I smell them. Feed me them." I sat down and stared down my waffles, then attacked them with my mouth hole.

"How are they?" Iruka asked.

"Delicioso!" I mumbled with my mouth full.

When we finished breakfast, Kakashi drove me to school. I took a deep breath before swinging open the double doors. I made sure to stay close to the walls and keep my head down on the way to the office to get my schedule. I stared at the walls observing how good they would look with splashes of paint everywhere around them.

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