Chapter 6: Niall - Sabrina

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"C'mon Niall! Let's play Fifa." Sabrina says while walking towards the sofa to play their favorite game, Fifa. They have been playing this game for 5 years since they know each other. But in 5 years, they are still not jaded about it because of it's their favorite.

"No, food first. Nialler is hungry." Niall replies rubbing circles on his bare abdomen. Sabrina glares at him for a millisecond before heaving a sigh.

"Niall, you ate all my food in the fridge!" Sabrina whines.

"How about Nando's?" he implies eager.



Both ordered almost the entire whole menu. As they were in the middle of eating, an idea popped into Niall's mind.

"Let's do an eating contest!"


From laughs and chokes, it was the first time Sabrina wins. Niall laughs.

"What?" Sabrina asks confusion written on her face.

"There's some ketchup in your mouth."

"Oh." Sabrina tries to reach for a tissue but Niall stops her and just does the 'wiping-off-ketchup.'

"Hey, why are you doing that Nialler?"

Niall blushes. She looks into his blue eyes and before she knows it, his lips were on hers. Sabrina has been waiting for this for so long and finally, it happens. As the kiss was over, he looks at her hazel eyes.

"Why did you do that Nialler?"

"Sabrina I've always liked you so much and I don't want to hide my love for you anymore." He answers. "Would you take the pleasure of being my girl?"

"Yes," Sabrina says quickly. She doesn't want her one and only Nialler to be with anyone else but her. Thus, twice thinking wasn't there. Just question then answers directly.


At home, Sabrina checks Twitter and sees a tweet from Niall: Best night of my life. And I had something better than food. Xx

Sabrina wouldn't let Niall go and that's her pledge. She just laughs and falls asleep.


I hope you liked it! Sorry if it's not that good, please forgive me. I was just so busy at this time. But, at least I tried! x

ºArianne xoxoº

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