Chapter 3: Distractions

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Jensen woke up earlier than usual the following morning. He was peppier than usual, and couldn't wait to see his sleepy blue-eyed roommate, and that quirky little smile of his. Jensen found himself filled with butterflies at the thought of Misha's morning voice. He quickly went through his routine for the morning, and then set out to get breakfast ready. Once the bacon was cooked and drained of grease, and the eggs were scrambled to perfection, Jensen set out the plates and the cups of steaming coffee and went to wake the sleeping Misha. Jensen knocked on the door once, and heard a muffled cry come from the other side of the door.

"Mish? Everything okay?" Jensen asked, suddenly concerned.

There was no answer. Jensen slowly opened the door while repeating Misha's nickname to sort of announce his entrance. Misha was laying on his bed, in a tight ball facing away from the door. Jensen walked to the far side of the bed and knelt down in front of the dark haired man placing a comforting hand on Misha's shoulder.

"Misha what's wrong?" Jensen asked hurt filling his eyes. He hated to see Misha upset. This was the first time he'd ever seen Misha cry and it was honestly tearing him apart. Misha sniffled.

"The vet called," Misha choked out. "They found a small tumor on Bobby's stomach."

"Oh, god..." Jensen's heart sank. He knew how much Bobby meant to Misha. It had been one of his biggest conditions upon moving in. Jensen slid into the bed beside Misha and pulled him close. Misha lay his head on Jensen's chest and Jensen rubbed circles onto Misha's back.

"Do they know if it's malignant?" Jensen almost whispered.

Misha shook his head. "They are keeping him a few more days to run tests on him." He reached up and used the sleeve of his long sweater to wipe his eyes.

"I can't lose him...He's all I have. He's always there for me, and I know it sounds silly to be this attached to a cat but I love him so much..." Misha buried his face in Jensen's chest. Jensen closed his arms around Misha protectively and wished with everything in himself that he could save Bobby, for Misha's sake. He held Misha close for the rest of the morning, allowing him to cry himself back to sleep in the safety of his arms. Sammy made sure that breakfast didn't go to waste.

When Jensen was sure that Misha was sound asleep, he got ready for work. His boss had cut back his hours so that Jensen could begin attending therapy as per the divorce agreement. He'd agreed only on the terms that he'd get to choose the therapist. As he was getting ready, he couldn't help but think of how horribly Misha's morning was going. He felt rotten about not being able to help him, and was trying to think of ways that he could. He'd sort of thought of a way, but he wouldn't be able to check on it until after work. He pulled on his boots and tied the laces. Before he walked out he checked on Misha, who was still sound asleep.

Jensen worked just about as hard as he could trying to complete things early. He was what you could call a construction worker, but really all he did was build houses for a family owned company. Today they were siding the house, as well as putting shingles on the roof. He had finished the entire right portion of the roof by himself, and everyone was kind of impressed. As he took a break sitting on the bed of a work truck, one of his coworkers approached him.

"Hey bud, why you working so hard today? You're putting all of us to shame, man."

"Hey, no it's just, I got a lot of shit I have to take care of later. I'm trying to stay busy you know?" Jensen chugged a cold water bottle down.

"Yeah, I get it, man. Stuff with the ex?"

"uhm.." Jensen looked down at his rough dirty hands. "Yeah." Jensen hadn't thought of Danneel in a while. He suddenly felt really guilty. Then his minded was flooded with images of what had been occupying his mind. He remembered Misha's tear-stained cheeks, and his glassy blue eyes and Danneel was gone just as fast as she entered his mind.

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