Chapter 6: Testosterone Boys

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(A.N. Get it? 

Fanart pretains to story, also done by a very close friend of mine! Feel free to submit some stuff to me!)

Misha came home about a week later. Unfortunately, He came home on a Monday, so Jensen had to be anxious for a whole week. Misha tried convincing him that he didn't have to go. But Jensen insisted on going and the day was finally here. Misha was in the bathroom styling his new hair cut that had been trimmed short to match the patches that went missing, but were growing back. He had broken one of his hands in the accident, so he used the fingers that were moveable to tussle the hair around. However, he could not tie a tie. He placed the tie around his neck and went into the living to wait for Jensen.

Misha put his trench coat on and leaned against the back of the couch, trying fruitlessly to tie the skinny blue tie around his neck. He heard Jensen's door close and looked up briefly. He tried to look away but was caught breathlessly by the sight of the green-eyed man approaching him.

Starting from the top Misha worked over Jensen's body many times trying to fathom the immensity of how attractive his roommate was. Jensen had shaved his beard down, dawned a dark blue button-down with a red tie and a light beige cardigan. Black trousers met shiny black dress shoes to complete the look. Misha swallowed hard, and then smacked himself mentally for being so cliché. Jensen smirked and walked over to the speechless man standing at the couch.

"Need help with this?" Jensen asked taking the ends of the tie in his hands. Misha just stared into Jensen's face, completely awed by him.

It was difficult to want to be mad at him. Difficult to comprehend how someone can dip into both extremes of Misha's emotions so effortlessly. Jensen had nearly finished tying the accessory when Misha out of blatant thought just asked, "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why do you have to be so you?"

"Because you're" Jensen's smile spread across his face. He reached around the back of his neck and unhooked the silver cross that he had been wearing. As he leaned his body ungodly close to Misha's to return the necklace to its rightful owner, Misha became intoxicated by the cologne that Jensen wore. The chain was hooked and Jensen's hands came to rest on either side of Misha's hips. Jensen gripped the couch and pushed himself closer to Misha as if he knew the affect he was having on the blue-eyed man. Misha bit his lip innocently, but found his arms betraying him. They had instinctively snaked their way around Jensen's neck pushing their faces only centimeters apart. Jensen's smile was contagious. Misha hid his face in Jensen's neck to try and control it but Jensen just dipped his head into Misha's neck and nipped several times which earned an almost inaudible whimper from Misha. He then placed a kiss over the same spot and raised his head. Misha did the same, and the look on his face made Jensen's skin crawl with delight. Misha coughed and looked down adjusting his collar to hide the newly forming hickey and his jacket to do the same.

"W-uh, we should getting going." Misha insisted after another moment of the two staring at each other.

"Yeah, we should." Jensen agreed, but neither of them moved. Finally, Misha sighed and pushed at Jensen's chest.

"Come on, jerk. We're gonna be late."

The tension was even greater in the car. They kept trying to hold hands, but then Jensen would focus more on Misha than on the road and Misha kept squirming and flinching every time the car swerved even the tiniest bit. So they had decided not to hold hands. When they finally did arrive, they had decided to sit with Jared so they wouldn't be tempted to distract each other.

They met Jared just outside the doors to the sanctuary. They chatted quietly about work, the accident, the game. The doors behind them then opened and the three of them took their seat. They sat three rows from the front on the right side of the building. Jared had slid in first, with Misha in the middle and Jensen on the outside. Misha looked down to notice that Jensen's leg was bouncing furiously. Misha gently placed his hand on Jensen's thigh and gave it a small squeeze. Jensen looked at Misha and blushed a bit, looking almost ashamed that he was so nervous. He just hadn't been in church since he was younger, and even then, it was a "sit down and be seen and not heard" kind of church. Misha had told him stories about the types of things that happened in this church. Misha had assured him in the car ride that those things probably wouldn't happen tonight because it wasn't the first Sunday of the month which was usually Praise and Worship. Today would just be a normal service.

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