新月- Chapter 00- Beaten Black and Blue

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The story will go on the moon's phase, starting with the New Moon(新月) and ending on the last phase Full Moon (満月).


 新月: Chapter 00- Beaten Black and Blue

"Damn it all," she grumbled, bile mixing with her undertone and with the contorting reactions coming from her stomach. Grunting, she pushed herself up, guiding her heavy foot to take a step.

Staying in the narrow clearing will only make matters worse, now that the rain started falling. She took another step forward and with another grunt, she held her broken rib then moved on.

This was the time where she wished she had given importance to her parents' warnings, to her friends' scolding, and to her older brother's concerns. Even though everything was random bullshit to her but unfortunately today, everything made sense.

It wasn't supposed to be this way, but it already happened and she wasn't able to stop it despite her efforts to do so.

She bit her lower lip, her taste buds cringing at the taste of crimson iron flooding her senses. Even if she cursed, it won't make any difference.

Her foot twisted, resulting her weight to crash down to the wet asphalt.


"Get up," she scolded herself, clenching her fists to support herself back to her feet. She got up on all fours and with a begrudging grunt, she rose.

She ignored the hot liquid streaming down her bruised cheeks. The rain was her only cover she can use to hide that. Besides, the only appealing thing to the people casting a glance on her beaten figure was the blood covering half of her face leaving her right eye blind. They will also notice the discoloration of her arms and knees resulted from the earlier assault.

Some of the people threw curious-filled glances and disgusted glares at her, adding a couple of people who offered her a pitiful gaze and a helping hand, she pushed that all away.

For her, she deserves the disgusting glares more than the nice ones. Besides, it's just the same with the painful pinch of the unfair self-loathing that embraces her almost frozen heart.

Her lips stretched to a pained smirk, blood tainting her teeth making her look more of an insane person on the loose.


Heavy fingertips glided smoothly through the grand piano, the notes rose higher and higher like a soaring bird reaching the limitless sky. The melody intensified the atmosphere and engulfed the walls of the Music Room. It rivaled the loud tapping of the slanted raindrops on the large window, reflecting the dim lit clouds.

He opened his eyes slightly, watching his fingers move in rhythm on the white stripes and black flats inserted on the rectangular board.

It was pleasant to his ears and it relaxed him from the strenuous schedule of studies and the overwhelming practice of Basketball. Their last practice ended a day ago since they are encouraged to give their time for the upcoming midterms wherein he was competing with Akashi Seijuro, the team Captain.

Right now, he just wanted to break the ice a little, to stay on his little world of peace where there are no expectations from anyone, just him and his music.

Besides, it's not like he will stay there for a long time.


Her feet were leading her to a direction that she didn't know but she doesn't care about it. Her body was trembling from the strong wind that slapped her wounds like horsewhips, but it wasn't painful anymore because she already felt numb and she wanted to stay that way.

Cold and unfeeling...

She stopped on her tracks, her breathing similar to a person who just finished her race. They were broken and they released a white puff of smoke rooted from the humid air.

With her good left eye, she looked up. Her left iris reflected the dark looming clouds; it looks like it won't stop from crying.


His melody started to hit an outbreak, slowly falling like a big wave coming back to wrap itself on the shore.

The note climbs to C8(1).


The sound of the rushing cars rivaled the slanted raindrops hitting her face and washing the blood from her face.

She listened with one ear but her focus was glued on the crying clouds. She breathed hard and waited.


His lips curled to a satisfied smile, knowing that he was able to prove something today. If anyone who judged him visited the music room right now, they will be swayed away by his performance. They will surely take back their childish arguments with him.

'It pays more to criticize a prodigy,' that's what he believed, because a genius can always fight back and produce excellent results.

His notes shifted from lower 're' to higher 'do'


The headlights cast her shadow on the once dark gravel, attracting her flimsy attention.  Similar to the majority of suspense movies, everything seems to move in a slow motion as her head turned to face what tragedy is waiting in front of her.


The notes finally came to a justified end, the pale hands leaving the smoothness of the piano while his left foot moved away from the soft pedal. The music now was replaced by the annoying tapping sound of the raindrops on the large window that reflected the world outside. This time, the noise didn't bother him since he simply removed the bookmark on his book of 'peace and quiet'.

"Not bad." He commented on his own performance, aiming to be greater from what he can really achieve.


Her slightly opened left eye whipped around curiously, barely making the shapes of the people tending her. Her sense of hearing was muted by the dried blood stuck on her ears, preventing her from hearing what the people gathered around her are talking about.

What's going on?

Her head spun like a confused top searching a place of rest. It was like she was filled with lead, making her whole body heavy.

"W-What," she muttered, barely hearing herself and it scares her. She wanted an answer but she can't find it with the lack of words and the muted hearing. Wincing, she raised her hand slowly letting her blurry vision recognize it.

She can't make up anything but the familiar color of red.


He was busy fixing his notebooks inside his bag, organizing one after another. Because of his heightened concentration on the music instrument, he didn't notice that it was already late.

It's not like his parents will scold him, he was only worried of the dangers that might occur at this hour. He never planned to use his fingers in a violent manner since it might break his basketball stance.

Suddenly his phone rang, catching his attention. Since it might be an emergency call, he picked it up.



C8- the highest note for a piano

Soft pedal- In the upright piano, it brings the hammers closer to the strings to reduce their impact; in a grand piano, it limits the hammer impact to a section of the string.

新月- New Moon

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