盈虧: Chapter 10- The Lonely Leprechaun under the shade of a mushroom

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盈虧: Chapter 10- The Lonely Leprechaun under the shade of a mushroom

Kurosawa gripped the bat tightly, his breath caught on his throat while he waited. The baseball from the automatic machine swiftly flew to his direction. His eyes narrowed as he waited for the door to dash in close before finally hitting it with full force. The ball propelled backward and hit the wall loudly.

Another ball came… and another… and another. The sound of the metal bat’s contact with the baseball hummed in his ears like a lullaby which didn’t make him sleep but instead released the anger bubbling in his chest.

He couldn’t keep calm. He wanted to thrash around and wreck havoc somewhere. Yet he stopped himself for the sake of not getting caught by anyone… especially not her.

For that matter, he couldn’t release the killing machine in him yet.

He breathed hard, waiting for the baseball to come flying to his direction. However, it stopped from working due to a stranger standing behind it who switched the controller off.

“Excuse me,” he said in a low growl under his breath. “But I’m using that.”

“I apologize for currently disturbing you, Kurosawa-kun.”

Kurosawa flinched at the sound of his name from the intruder. He cannot mistake his voice with anyone. He narrowed his eyes at the floor. “What are you doing here, Akashi?”

His fury started to burn on his fists with the sight of a living human standing a few meters away from him. He released the bat, the metal clattered as it fell from the floor.

“Well, I’d like to speak to you,” Akashi uttered, his hand raised a folder with various clippings inside. “About this.”

Kurosawa felt his muscles relax a little. His eyes gleam in amusement. “Ah, that.


“—ami,” her name rolled in Miaka’s tongue and swiftly grabbed her away from her thoughts. Azami straightened her back and posed a quizzical expression on her face.

“Sorry… I kind of spaced out. What are you talking about again?”

“I was talking about going out this Saturday.” Miaka replied with a fresh and friendly smile, her eyes twinkled along enthusiastically. “I’ll call Yuzucchan and Emicchan.”

“You would?”

“Yep~ we can help you out with some things~”

Azami forced a smile to her lips. She lowered her gaze and spooned out some of the banana from the dessert in front of her. “I’d appreciate that.”

Miaka beamed revealing two rows of pearly whites. The edges of her eyes brimmed with tears of joy. Azami quickly dug on her pocket and passed her handkerchief back at the already weeping bluenette. Miaka accepted it and wept on it noisily.

Stares paraded their table, all filled with suspicion and intrigue. Whispered conversations started right after. Azami glanced around and gave them nervous smiles, hoping it would convey her message properly.

Please… she cried on her own… it’s not me…

“Yo,” someone spoke from behind. Azami turned and came face-to-face with Kurosawa Yuuji’s smiling face.

He waved in a friendly manner in which she returned another nervous smile as sweat tumbled from her temples.

“Miyaji?” he looked at her questionably and all she could do was motion him to come closer. He obeyed, his glance shifted from her to the weeping girl seated adjacent to her. “Whoa, Kagure? What are you doing here?”

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