Chapter 5: Plan Ahead

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    "You gotta be kidding me," said Harley worryingly. Harley runs downstairs to give the news to the boys.  "Um, guys...," Harley said nervously. "Hey Harley," said Gene. "Where's Jack?" Asked Derek. "That's the problem," said Harley. Derek and Gene looked at each other, confused. Harley leads them to the bathroom to show them Jack's lifeless body.

      "What could have possibly killed him this time?" Asked Derek. "There's nothing in the bathroom that could've possibly harmed him." Harley flipped Jack's corpse over to show him front side, which showed a big bloody mark on his forehead. "Oh God he should've at least put his ding dong back in his pants," said Gene. "It appears as if he was hit by a blunt object," said Harley. Gene stepped in the bathroom, and took a look around the room. "Well by the look of the vent on the ceiling, it looks like this unholy creature had been in the vents, and while Jack was emptying his fluids, the thing had jumped onto him, sending his cranium flying towards the toilet," said Gene.  The boys gave Gene the most confusing glance ever, as he has never said anything that intelligent, ever. "...or something," Gene said nervously. "So when he was peeing, the thing came out of the vent on the ceiling and smashed his head against the toilet," cleared Harley. "Exactly," answered Gene.

    The boys headed back downstairs to discuss things that needed to be discussed. "This thing is kill everyone off, one by one," said Derek. "Our best chance against it is to make a plan," said Harley. Harley went and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. "Let's take this son of a bitch down."

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