Chapter 6: Delivery

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"Have you guys ever seen that movie, Home Alone?" Asked Harley. "Is that the one where Queen Latifah gets a Timor?" asked Gene. "Um no. It's where that kid is home alone because his family left on a vacation without him and he has to defend his house from burglars." Corrected Derek. "Yeah, so I was thinking we set up like that and we sort of booby trap every little place, except for one." said Harley. "The basement." The boys muttered in agreement and in confusion, waiting for Harley to elaborate on his plan.
"Okay, so here's the plan:
The thing strikes upstairs whenever we're alone, right? So this time, we're gonna let it strike," said Harley. "ARE YOU CRAZY? That thing KILLED Jesse and Jack!" Exclaimed Gene. "You didn't let me finish," said Harley. "we're gonna let it strike, but this time, we'll be prepared. We'll wait somewhere upstairs alone, but we'll have weapons. Nothing lethal, but we can use my lacrosse sticks and hockey sticks to smash it so it can follow us." "Why the hell would we want it to follow us? Don't we want to kill it?" Asked Derek. Harley continued to explain, "Yeah, we're gonna lead it to the basement, where we have to grand daddy of all traps. We're gonna have my dads big fishing let hooked up on a pulley system so when the thing walks on it, I'll be there to pull it up." "Okay but that doesn't kill it," said Derek. "Maybe we kill it using words like 'you're a disappointment to your family!' Or 'it's time for you to get a job and benefit to society!'" Said Gene. "Well after I pull it up, I'll be ready with my dads shotgun. But this thing better go perfect because I only have one shotgun shell," said Harley. "So who's doing what here?" Asked Derek. "You and Gene will be bait upstairs 'summoning' the thing, and having it follow you downstairs onto the net, using your sticks so it doesn't come too close," said Harley. "I'll be in the basement where our sleeping bags are, ready with the net and the shotgun." "Okay I'll just have to trus-" Derek was cut off by the sound of a knock on the door. "Oh shit," said Harley.
"The Pizza Man."

What do you guys think should happen to the Pizza Man? Tell me in the comments!

The Thing in The CornerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora