More About You.

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Chapter Seventeen.

More About You.

Sky's P.O.V.

Harry kissed me unexpectedly and he was not drunk or a sleep. I was feeling his lips, tasting his lips, kissing his lips I always admired and dreamed about kissing. They were like magic, so surreal, they were perfect; so perfect. Now, my arms locked around his neck, touching his famous curls. My eyes were closed, full on closed, loving the chills run down me. His hands made their way down to my hips, resting them there, gently began to rub circles on them with his thumbs. It just gave me more chills.

"Harry." I pulled away, gasping for air. "You just didn't kiss me... You like me?"

He smirked and leaned in to give me one longing peck in what it felt like forever. He licked his lips and nodded at my question.

"I fancy you, Sky." He huskily said.

"You fancy m-m-m-me?" I choked.

"You're so cute." He pinched my cheeks.

"I am no blonde." I touched my hair. "I am not skinny." I touched my stomach. "I am a virgin and not your type."

"I don't need a blonde." He touched my hair. "I don't care how much you weigh." His hand touched my stomach, making me flinch. "That is okay that you are a virgin." He stated. "You are my type."

"I don't know what to say." I looked away.

Harry chuckled and took my hand entwining it with mine. He pulled me down to sit on the ground with him. We sat down on the cold ground with our hands interlocked. It was the most amazing thing in the world. I felt like I was in a dream, but I wasn't. Everything was real. Real, Real, Real.

"You're not acting or anything?" I asked.

"Nope." He popped out the the 'p'.

"Are we g-gonna make this public?"

"Ehhh..." His husky voice buzzed. "I don't know.. I think we should for now." He smiled.

"So.. What are you saying.. relationship?" I bit my lips too hard than I was suppose to, I just let it bleed inside.

"You mean.." He chuckled deeply. "You wanna know if I'm your boyfriend?"

"Ehuhmmmm.. Yeah." I gulped.

Harry bit his lips, smiled at the side, and delivered his precious wide smile.

"Well" He buzzed. "I want to be, but I want to take you on a second date."

"Second Harry? You haven't taken me on a first one?" I said, making Harry laugh.

"Remember the time we went to the park?" I nodded at his question. "That was our first."

I smiled big and I rarely smile big. Anyways, he smiled at my reaction. I squeezed his hand just to know it's real and it is. Suddenly, I got closer to him, close enough that out thighs touched. Harry chuckled and rubbed his thumb on my hand. I tapped his shoulder, he turned, pulled him for a hug, and he returned the favor. I was hugging him tightly, feeling none other the famous Harry Styles.

"Why did you begin to like me?" I asked when I pulled away.

"You're so unique, interesting to watch, clumsy, funny, happy, and innocent." He paused. "And that's what attracted me towards you."

"I thought you were into dirty blonde whores at clubs." I giggled, making Harry raise a brow.

"They're easy, they just want me." He laughed. "They don't want a relationship."

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