Chapter one:

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Out of no where I hear a loud crash. It came from Woodlind .... I knew this day would come, I trained for this day with the help of the conductors who taught me. I quickly stop what I am doing, grab my army trumpet, and walk to my friends house. They only heard stories while I knew it was going to happen. I bang my right hand on their door so they will come out, I ask "Did you hear that loud noise?" They just shake their heads and I sigh. They ask whats wrong I say one thing which makes them tense. "Rally the troops up, tomorrow we go to Woodlind."

Now I can tell you the brass people aren't as quiet and peaceful as the woodwinds. We are the opposite of the woodwinds. We are very loud, which bothered the Conductors and the others. That was before the Conductors well ...... Before they disappeared. We rarely see them, when we do we ask if there is anything we could do to help them, they just shake their head and sigh. We have always wondered what happened to their population.
The next day
I woke up extra early to get ready. It was about eight o'clock when everyone started getting up. I was sitting and watching one of them ..... They were different from the other brass players, and I like that. His brother was a woodwind so they never talked to each other much, but that didn't bother him. His name was Cherry. The reason behind his name was because he always wore red.
Then we started heading out. I could feel the tension between everyone. They were as nervous as me. The only other person who knew of this, was Cowden. I haven't seen him in so long ..... He's probably still the person who lives at the top of the hill. He was always the best player I knew and it's probably still that way. He probably doesn't recognize Zane, he hasn't seen him since the Conductors went missing, he pushed the memory away as well for the brass players and everyone else. Everyone wondered who lived that the top of that hill and today I knew, they were gonna find that out.

The Band Chronicles: Cherry Trees POVWhere stories live. Discover now