Chapter 6:

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I wake up and there is blood surrounding a mystery body. I almost scream, but a hand covers my mouth before I can let out my screech of terror. I look back to see how put their hand over my mouth, it was Cowden. He moves my hand and we slowly get up, I hear a groan from across the room and I realize who it is, it's Cherry. I run over to him and help him up. He gives me a worried stare and I return it by looking down at the ground. We all walk towards the body and who it is, shocks us terribly.
It's blueberry. He has a stab wound in his right abdomen and Cowden jumps at him. We know he has knowledge about this kind of stuff, so we know we can trust him with this. I rip a piece of my clothing off, and I gave it to Cowden. Cherries eyes dart to me, and I blush profusely.
Cowden presses the clothing piece to the hole in his stomach. The blood stains the clothing and Cowden says very gently "It's okay, Blueberry. You'll be fine. Just kee putting pressure on the wound. If you need more clothing, just rip some off and cover it up."
He nods solemnly and presses it down. He moans in pain and I can see the heartbreak in Cherries eyes. I grab his hand and Cowdens. I take them to where the exit door is. I kick the wooden door down and when I look to the people in front of me, I start to cry. It's Zane and my flute "friends".
I walk slowly to them and we all stop together. The room is huge, and it looks like we are in an abandoned observatory. It's clearly night time because we can see the stars.
"Ha ha ..... Look who's up from their dirt nap."
My eyes dart to the smaller flute player. She walks towards us and picks her flute up as if she will throw it at us.
" Oh Blossom, Blossom, Blossom. You should've known I was bad from the start. You're so stupid!"
My mouth opens, but then I close it.
" How dare you call me stupid! I thought we were friends, but apparently you work with .... Those .... THINGS!"
I gesture at the flute players and they just look at each other grinning. The smaller one finally talks.
" When we left Woodlind, we found greater places. Better players than ever before. We were taught by them, molded by them, and see what's happened here. We've almost turn this whole village on its head."
She grins, its an ugly grin too.
The bigger one talks now.
"Yes, and now all we have to do, is to tell the others to come in tomorrow so we can finally end all this .... Struggle that is happening here."
She picks up her flute, and throws it at Cowden. He dodges it just in time to miss it hitting him, but it grazes his skin so there is some blood. It doesn't bother him and we run out of there. While that was going down, Cherry grabbed Blueberry and already had him outside waiting for us.
When we get out there he has a military grade jeep, Blueberry is sleeping in the back with a blood stained blanket covering his wound. I get in the back, and sit and stare outside the window. The Stars are beautiful at night, I love how bright they are. Cowden gets in the front to sit by Cherry, and we are off.
. . . . . . .
It takes three hours to get to where we are gonna sleep. Cowden and Cherry get Blueberry out, and I start a fire. I lay out some blankets for where we are going to sleep and Cowden finally fixes Blueberry up. He slowly gets up and walks around.
"Thank you guys .... Y-you saved my life ..... I-I don't think I could ever repay you."
He says sheepishly.
"It's fine, don't worry about it. We are glad you're still here, we need all the help we can get."
Cowden says. He lays down and stares at the fire. We are all laying on the blankets and everyone else is asleep when Im finally out. But right before I fall asleep I hear a noise. It's very distinct too. It's the sound of flute music. Then it stops. Then an ear splitting shriek fills my ears. Then, it's gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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