Chapter 7- Meeting these crazy ass people

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Both Bella and Zendaya woke up and they decided that they wanted to meet some new people. So they would have to get up and find new people to talk to. Zendaya and Bella got dressed and went outside to see if they could find anyone new to talk to. There were tons of students from all over the freaking world at this school. Bella saw one boy who was from India or at least she thought he was from there. If that was true, he's parents sent him to boarding school in America, lol classic Bella thought.

The girls continued to hear people say "Hey it's those chicks from Shake it up" but the girls didn't want to hang out with their fans. Don't get them wrong they love their fans but they weren't feeling like hanging out with people who ask them random questions all the time. A boy walked up to Zendaya and confessed his love for her " I love you Zendaya, you should be my wife one day and we can make sweet love to eachother all night" were the words that came out of his mouth.

The girls went back inside the building because everyone almost seemed busy. "Im going to wash some cloths" said Zendaya grabbing the hamper next to their room door

"Ok" said Bella walking back into the dorm room. Zendaya looked at the map up on the wall to find where the laundry room was. She headed down the hallway into the main part of the school where the office was. When Zendaya was on her walk she saw that there were some new students that were coming to the school.

Zendaya found the laundry room and started to put the cloths in the washing machine. She was the only person in that room or at least she thought. She felt a sudden touch on her back when she bent over to put the cloths in the machine. She stood up and looked behind her.

"Hi, im Dora" said the girl introducing herself to Zendaya

"Oh, hi im Zendaya" she said

"Yes i know you play a character on the Disney channel show Shake it up" said the girl

"Yes, yes i do" said Z

"Your very pretty" said the girl licking her lips at Zendaya

"Thank you, you are to" said Z wiered out, kind of

"What are you doing in boarding school?" asked Dora

"I have no clue im still trying to figure out why im here" said Z

"Me too, our parents just send us away without us noticing" said Dora

"Yea, want to come and meet my friend Bella?" asked Zendaya

"Would i, yes sure" said Dora

Zendaya left the cloths washing and took Dora to meet Bella. Once they were in the room Z introduced Dora or at least she thought.

"Bella this is Dora" said Zendaya showing her the spot that Dora is standing in

"What are you talking about, there's no one there" said Bella creept out

"What are you talking about, she's right here" said Zendaya looking to make sure she wasn't gone or ran away and to her eyes she was still there.

"No no one is there" said Bella

"You telling me you don't see this girl standing right here" Zendaya snapped

"Wooo, chill out Zendaya" said Bella

"Ok good-bye, Dora" said Zendaya

Bella watched as Zendaya waved at nothing well at least what she thought was nothing.

"Are you ok?" asked Bella

"Ok, yes im ok, why wouldn't i be, yea im fine" said Zendaya

Bella sat down on her bed and stared out their open room door.

The 2 girls went to sleep for the rest of the day and didn't wake up until everyone should have been in bed. It was nice for them not to go to class for almost a week but this week was almost over. Zendaya thought to herself who is Dora? Was she a ghost? She had no clue why that came to mind.

Zendaya's pov:

I forgot about the cloths in the washing machine and i sure didn't want to get up and get them out. So i got up and went over to Bella's bed. "Bella" i whispered over to her

"Huh, what?" said Bella just waking up

"Nothing" i said

She looked so peaceful sleeping. So i won't bother her at all. I'll just go by myself. So i grabbed my phone and put on my flip flops. I always had a childish fear of the dark but i didn't want to disrespect Bella. I mean the last past couple of days i have woken her up fairly around the time i did just now and i need to man up. It's not like the boggy monster is going to get me. Anyways. I turned on the flash light app on my phone and headed out into the dark hallway. Surprised i saw that the hallway wasn't even dark at all. Candles were placed along the window seals to help watchman see.

Just to be on the safe side i used my phone for extra light. The hallway seemed eerie even with light. I continued up the dark hallway to the laundry room. I ignored what had happened yesterday with the footsteps. I finally found the laundry room. since i left the cloths in there they soured and i have to wash them again. I put more washing detergent in the machine and did another wash for the cloths. I saw that it was only going to take 30 minutes for them to wash so i sat there and waited. After all i didn't want to walk back down that hallway again besides the trip back.

Sat up on one of the washing machines and played a game on my phone in the mean time. When i heard a sudden thump on one of the washing machines or at least i thought it was from the washing machine. I checked to look to see if the cloths were ok. When a box of washing powder spilled over like someone meant to push it over. I stood up in shock and was very confused at what just happened. Maybe it was the wind, went my Instincts. I sat back up on the machine and continued to play my game.

Where suddenly i heard and loud crashing sound. Frightening i stood up and ran into the direction where it was coming from. The hallway. "Hello" i pleaded weakly

I was surprised no body answered me when i said hello. Then i walked back into the laundry room not only to find a young girl sitting up on the washing machine. It was dark. Only light from my phone and the candles shined light.

The young girl was sobbing. "Are you ok?" i asked concerned. The girl didn't look up, her face was covered by her hair. The girl's face slowly lifted upward, it seriously frightened me, she had no face.

I i had the urge to walk up to the figure. It felt as if i was in some type of trance and my mind was focused on that spirit and that spirit only. I had to the feeling to reach out to the spirit and see what it will do. The spirit stood up and walked up to me and looked me dead in my eyes and said "WELCOME TO HELL ZENDAYA" in a demonic voice.

Then it reached out and touched my hand and disapeared inside of my arm. I felt a tingly feeling go throughout my body and then i changed at that moment. I could feel my eyes rolling back in my head.

Then the cloths finally finished and got them out the washing machine and put them in the dryer. That only took 5 mintues to dry because the school may be old but they had high tech dryers. I sat there and waited 5 minutes and then took the cloths out the dryer and put them in a cloths basket and went down the hallway again. And that was all i remember for now and i went back to my dorm and went to my bed.

Zendaya and Bella (Another story of us) -ON HOLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant