Chapter 35- Where did you come from?

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Both Zendaya and Bella slept in the same bed that night. Morning had finally arrived. Bella was the first to wake up, thunder awoke her from her slumber and left Zendaya at peace in her sleep. She could see the flashes of lighting through the blinded window. "Zendaya, time to get up" she slowly shook her. "Mom, I don't wanna" she turned over opposite way. "Ok that was wierd, but you need to go to class" Bella said. She headed to the closet and found a cute outfit, when Zendaya finally thinks it's time for her to get up. After both girls were finally dressed they headed down the hall with about 3 multi subject books in their arms. "What class is first?" she asked Bella. "Uh this one, by the way the man who teaches this class is in prison and he still continues to teach his class, just through a monitor infront of the classroom" Bella explains before they walk through the door.

Zendaya has a, "what the hell" look on her face as they walk in. She sat down next to Bella and saw what she was talking about was right. Zendaya is already bored right when she walked through the door. "Zendaya, stop using magic" Bella demanded as she noticed several of her pencials floating in mid air. "Sorry", she broke concentration and stopped. After about 10 minutes,"I need to go to the bathroom" Zendaya excuses herself in the middle of the teacher's lesson. "Hey where are you going young lady" the man on the screem says as she continues to walk out of the classroom like she's deaf. The whole class laughs at Mr. Andrews face as she walked out ignoring him.

At this time everyone was in class, no one wandering the halls at this time. Zendaya walked alone not minding the silence. "Wierd, I remember a bathroom being here" she said looking at the spot that usually had a door that led into the bathroom. Then she decided she'll walk down the hall to the boys bathroom. They shouldn't mind her peeing real quick. She walked in not only to see Trevor standing at the sink looking in the mirror. "Zendaya" he notices she's staring. She's speeches at that moment, he walks over to her and hugs her.

Even though she read that song, she wanted nothing to do with him. "It's been a while". He still has both his arms around her, she's still opened mouthed. "I got possessed by an evil spirit" she said. He gave her a strange look, "What?". "I got possessed by an evil spirit named Dora, you missed out on alot" she repeats what she had said before. That was the main thing on her mind at that moment. Trevor was somewhat skeptical but he kind of believed in things that are out there that are unexplainable. "Don't you want to know why I came here" he said trying to change the subject.

Apart of him did believed her because she seemed different. "No, I'm just telling what has been going on" she said simply walking into the first stall. "Why are you in the boys bathroom" he asked curiously, "wait don't tell me, I already know" he said. "I couldn't find the girl's bathroom, it dissapeared" she said.

"It dissapeared?" he said not believing his ears. "Yes, and you shouldn't have come here" she said.

T, Why?

Z, Because this place is haunted and it's dangerous

T, Haunted? Nice try sweetheart, you can't scare me away

Z, I'm not trying to scare you away, it's true and besides, how did you get an invitation here anyway

T, oh, See here's a really good story, I'm not suppose to ge here

Z, Really? so you don't have a room?

T, Uh, no. I was hoping I can sleep with you and Bella

Z, Uh no, go home or where you're suppose to be

T, Please sweetheart, I wanna love you again and I can prove it to you if you let me stay in your dorm room

Z, ok whatever

T, so we're back together

Z, no I didn't say all that

She said as she dried her hands and left. By the time she left the bathroom, she saw kids coming out of their classrooms. There was Bella, walking towards her. "School's finished" Z asked Bella. "No, we're just on our lunch break" she said. Damm, I mumbled under my breath so she wouldn't hear. "So what do you want to eat, do you want to go out?" Bella asked me. "It doesn't matter. But where will we get transportation?" I ask. That's what made us stranded here. "Um, let's say you both can ride in my car" I feel an arm on my shoulder and spot the other one on Bella's shoulder. I turn around to see Trevor, "Really you'll do that?" Bella asks in hope.

In my mind I was mocking them both. "Sure, anything for my sweetheart Z" he said kissing my cheek. "Awww, Zendaya, you should go back out with him" Bella said.

I made wierd faces at them as a sign of ignorance. We then went out to the parking lot and got into an old raggity truck. This wasn't Trevor's car. "Trevor, who's car is this?" I asked him while buckling my seat belt. "It's my grandma's. So what time do you guys have to be back at school?" he asked starting the car.

"3:30" Bella answered for me. That gives us at least an hour for lunch. He drove out onto the open road and the foundation of the school began to get smaller and smaller. We drove to a nearby burger joint. Cheap Trevor but at least he offered to let us use his GRANDMA'S car. Not his car but his grandma's car. We all got out and went inside. We got in line as Bella blabbered on about how she wanted this and she wanted that. "I need to go to the bathroom" Bella suddenly says. I gazed over at Trevor who's eyes where fixated on the menu above. "Me to" I rushed behind Bella who was halfway near the bathroom by now.

"Why you didn't stay out there with your future huaband?" Bella askes in her playfully voice. "I don't want to be out there alone know him" I said. Honestly I didn't. We both exchange strange glances, before she headed into the last stall to do her buisness. I played on my phone and wet my hands with water. Bad idea, but I did dry them. Anyway. Bella came out right when I got a strange text from.....Hampton County boarding school? It read IM WATCHING YOU!!!!! ""What in the world" I said out loud just now realizing it. Bella washed her hands and peered down at my phone. 1st of all, how did the school's number get into my phone. The 2nd thing that came to mind was Trevor. Maybe he's playing some foolish prank on me.

I barged out of the girl's bathroom trying hard not to loose my temper in this public place. "Trevor stop sending me these so called scary texts" I whispered as my face turned red. "What are you talking about sweetheart" he asked with a very confused look on his face. I put my phone with the screen still pulled up with the demonic looking text, aggressively infront of his face. "Look sweetheart, I didn't send you that. That says it comes from the school" he smiled with both his hands in his pocket. "1st of all don't call me sweetheart, ans 2nd if you didn't send it using some fake number playing off as the school's number, then who did?" I asked a bit scared.

Suppose Trevor is right. He had nothing to do with this. "Ready to eat sweetheart" he asked me. That nickname, oh my God. I swear if he says it again my head is going to explode. I didn't say anything back. We ordered and ate, then headed back to the school about 20 minutes late. Thanks to Trevor and his grandma's car we broke down. Now we're here. "Come on Bella, let's make a dash for the classroom so we can loose Trevor" I suggested. "Zendaya, that's mean. He wants to love you again and wrote you a song amd this is how you treat him" Bella says. "Pretty much. Now let's go" I said already halfway up the hall. If she knows what's good for her, she'll follow. We went to the class we left off with and to both our suprises no one was there. I spotted Kennton coming down the hall with stack of papers in hand. "Where's everybody?" I ask before he could pass me by.

"Didn't you hear, they canceled class for the rest of the day because of bad weather" he explained. "Oh ok" I said keeping my steady pace up the hall. Bella followed when I hear a familar voice call my name. Well sweetheart anyway. "Z sweetheart". Trevor. Ugh, I thought I got rid of him. I opened the door to my dorm pretty much hitting Bella with the door. "Remember our deal" Trevor says at the door way. "Yeah, you can sleep on the floor" I said throwing a pillow and blanket from my closet on the floor. "Fine with me" he fixed the blankets after shutting the door. I was about to lay down. Today was a very long day anyway. When I saw Trevor, I was like where did you come from? But now I discover I still have feelings for him.

End of this chapter. Hope you like.....

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