Chapter 3- I'm Straight, I Swear!

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Wait, did I really say that? Jade thought. She had always loved Leigh-Anne, but she also loved Jesy and Perrie. Deep down she knew that the love she felt for Leigh was different, but she had never admitted that to herself until now. What about Sam, she thought. She loved him too... didn't she? Of course she loved him, Jade thought. She was just being stupid. I'm straight! She told herself, even though she knew it wasn't true. She was in love with Leigh-Anne, and Leigh wasn't even the first girl she had had feelings for. She thought back to Year 11 at her old secondary school. Her best friend was a girl named Sacha, who she hadn't seen since she was 16. Her and Sacha had always been really close, even for best friends, but that had stopped one day when they had almost finished school. Jade knew she was in love with Sacha, and one day they were at a party and were slightly drunk, meaning that her judgement hadn't been at it's best. Jade and Sacha somehow found themselves sitting on a bed talking, and Sacha started crying about a boy she liked that didn't notice her. Jade assured her friend that she could get any guy she wanted, and if this one didn't want her then he wasn't worth it, but it was no use, she wouldn't stop crying. Jade hated seeing the girl she loved like that, and she hugged her. She wasn't sure what made her do it, but then she leant in and kissed her friend on the lips. Sacha had slapped her round the face hard, then ran down stairs telling everyone that Jade was a lesbian. The next week at school she told everyone, and every time Jade walked down the corridor people would call her names. It soon started to happen less, but Jade still got teased occasionally, despite insisting that she wasn't gay, until they left school. Then she went to college, then on the X Factor, and all that time she told herself that she was straight and it was a one-off. Then she realised how she felt about Leigh-Anne, but she tried to ignore it.

For the next few weeks, Leigh felt as though her life had a purpose again. She started making an effort with her appearance again, and started going out out of choice as well as when she had to. She started regularly calling and texting the Little Mix girls again, and she was now fully updated on what had been going on in their lives. It turned out she was she only single one, as Jesy was seeing Jordan, the guy Leigh had seen her with on Facebook, Jade had Sam who she had mentioned in their previous phone conversation, and Perrie was dating Zayn from One Direction, which she hadn't had any idea about as they were apparently keeping their relationship secret to protect her. Leigh tried to care as little as she possibly could that she was the only single one, as it would have to stay that way if they wanted to make it as a band. Being a pop group whose main fanbase was young girls, it would be damaging for Little Mix's popularity and sales if Leigh-Anne was honest about the fact that she was gay. No-one knew, not even her family, and she guessed that it would have to stay that way.

Maybe she could get a girlfriend, but have a fake boyfriend in public, she thought. There was a guy named Jordan who had been all over her lately, so maybe she could use him as her cover-up. Would he be ok with it, though? she wondered. Jordan WAS one of her closest friends, and the only guy she really trusted.

Snap out of it, Leigh-Anne thought. Having a girlfriend would involve at least a few people knowing she was a lesbian, and then she would have no way of being sure that none of them would make it public. Besides, would she even want anyone other than Jade? No, Leigh realised. She couldn't just be happy with someone else when the girl she was in love with was right there. It would hurt so much seeing Jade with someone else, Leigh thought. How was she going to cope?

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