Chapter 8- The First Time

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A/N: It gets quite dirty in this chapter, so don't read it if you don't like that. I'll write something to show when the sex starts and finishes so you can skip that part if you want. Enjoy!

"Ok, have fun beautiful. Meet me back at the flat at 7PM"

"Ok, I love you Leigh. Can't wait to see what you've planned"

"You'll have to wait. Love you too baby. Bye" Leigh said as she hung up the phone.

It had been 3 months since Leigh-Anne and Jade had got together, and things seemed to be going well. They rarely argued, and when they did it was always over something stupid and never lasted more than a day. The band was doing really well, and were now signed again, thanks to Tulisa and some very supportive Little Mixers. They had released one single, Wings, which had got to number one in the UK, and were working on writing and recording more songs for their album. They had all moved to apartments in London so they could be closer to the recording studio and the airport, as well as most of the events they did in the UK. Even though Leigh and Jade's relationship was going well, Leigh-Anne lived with Jesy and Jade lived with Perrie, because this was how it had always been. The apartments were right next to each other, though, and more often than not all four of them would end up sleeping in the same one. Tonight Jesy had agreed that she would stay at Jade and Perrie's flat as Leigh-Anne was planning something special for her and Jade. Leigh-Anne was so grateful that Jesy was so supportive of their relationship, but she wished she wouldn't tease her about it so much.

"Don't be too rough with her! We're in the studio tomorrow and it'll definitely be a problem if Jade can't walk there!" She said, winking at Leigh-Anne.

"JESY!" Leigh-Anne said, blushing "You don't even know that we're going to do anything, and even if we are then it's none of your business!"

"It is my business if my career if affected by your love of va-"

"That's enough!" Leigh said, cutting her off. "Why is it always me? You never tease Jade about it, and you hardly tease Perrie about Zayn either!"

"That's because you're way more fun. Perrie wouldn't get half of it, and Jade is so cute that I'd feel really guilty. I do tease them a bit anyway. Anyway, seriously, have a good time, I'm really happy that things are going so well for you two".

"N'aww, thanks Jess" Leigh said, hugging her. Then she saw a tear in Jesy's eye.

"Babe, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"Nothing, I'm fine" Jesy said, moving quickly towards the door as the tear rolled down her cheek.

"No you're not, you're crying" Leigh-Anne said, pulling her back. Both girls sat on Leigh's bed, and Leigh hugged Jesy tightly.

"Ok, it's just... I love seeing you and Jade so happy together, and seeing Perrie happy with Zayn, but at the same time, why don't I have anything like that? What's wrong with me?" She said, starting to tear up.

"Don't cry Jesy, there's nothing wrong with you! You're special and we all love you. You're like a second mum to all of us, it's you that keeps the band together half the time".

"I know, but guys don't care about that. To them I'm just a fat, ugly-" She said, before Leigh cut her off. She thought Jesy was over all that! She wasn't fat, she wasn't ugly, and she never had been. The other girls all hated the bullies who had made Jesy feel like that all her life.

"No you're not, you're one of the most beautiful, kind, funny, strong and inspirational people I've ever met! You're not fat, you're not ugly, and you never have been!"

"Thanks Leigh, I don't know why but when I was with Jordan I almost forgot about all the issues with my body, he made me feel beautiful. But now he's gone, and I feel worse than ever".

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