Chapter 3: Goodmorning!

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Weiss: "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Ruby: "we need to decorate!"

Yang: "she has a point"

Blake: "lets get to work?"

[one remake of the dorm later]

me: *jumps threw the open window* "a good morning ladies" *looks around the room to see it's the girlish room he has ever seen (and the only one)* "uhm... girls.."

Girls: "what?"

me: "where can I sleep? I need sleep to" especially when it's cloudy

[another remake later]

Ruby: "so it's little bit less girlish and you got a bed at the door the other girls wanted you on the other side of the room, sorry"

Yang: "well actualy it was only Weiss, she doesn't trust you

Blake said nothing and just went along what was best

me: "okay, thanks" I guess

Ruby: *looks at the clock* "WE HAVE CLASS IN 5 MINS!!!"

me: "okay, so let's move, don't wane get late"

Weiss: "It's Anton's cause of him we neded to do another remake of the room"


They both laugh after noticing that they both said that at the same time

[later in class]

(Peter is a teacher at beacon and a huntsman)

Peter: BLABLABLABLABLABLA (fun fact: he actually says this in some episode that have his class)

The class was quite boring, I already knew everything he told us, so I descided to start listening to music with some earphones in, I got lucky with my place I was sitting next to Ruby and on my right was the path upwards, I offered Ruby one side of the earphones since she clearly was as bored as I was, she seemed quite happy that I had some music, I putted Red like roses 1 on and saw a clear smile appear on Ruby's face. it was quite boring untill something needed to happen.

Peter: "you there, young man with the wings"

I quickly sit back in the chair and hide the earphones

me: "yes sir?"

Peter: "you have been listening very well to my class today there for you're gone fight this grim creature"

me: "bring it on"

I run to the professor and wait for him to release the grim

Ruby: "Anton you forgot your weapon"

I look to her to see that she wants to throw it to me

me: "I don't need it"

I get off the ground, my wing still hurts but I can fly for a short enough time to get speed

Peter: "overconfidence let's see if it's rightfully placed"

He opens the cage and some pig like grimm comes out of the cage,

me: Really? This thing has no armor at its belly I can easily time my punch right to go right threw him

The pigs comes charging at me, it's like a rollout attack, I activate my semblence's for speed and to slow time, making it easy to get enough force in my punch to get directly threw it's belly making it explode in black dust and it's gone. This just happened in 5 seconds. I look around to see everyone of team RWBY and JNPR clap and all faunus people do to , but the others of the class have a different look, they seem scared, like I was monster. I can hear people whistling: "told ya he's a frieck he'll rip you right open and kill you with just his arms

Peter: "NOW EVERYONE CALM DOWN, I would like to hear what Mr. wise's plan was"

me: "it's simple, he was going to charge at me, I used my own speed and his to collide and since this grim was very young it didn't have any armor at it's belly making it a very fragile spot and easily able to smash threw. I'm sure everyone could've done it"

Peter: "good job, you're indeed a soon to be huntsman, class dismissed"

[later in the room of RWBY]

I was alone in here for a couple of minutes, just eating some cookies and sitting on my bed with my cat that I got from the school's cafeteria. I don't know where the others went after last class so I've been here for a good 33 mins playing with my cat (Watson).

Ruby: *opens the door* "ah there you are!" *sees cookies* "can I have some"

me: "what would you give for it?"

Ruby: "Everything"

me: "not needed" *throws a couple* "here"

Yang: *comes in the room to with the rest of the team* "really Anton? That was your change to steal a kiss from her!"

me: "yea, I know"

Yang: "then why didn't you?"

me: "I suppose Ruby doesn't want me to. Right?"

Ruby: *becomes almost purple* "nnnno thanks" I want to but I can't just say that, what if he sais no

I noticed that Watson was walking around Ruby and sniffing around her legs

Weiss: "who's that?"

me: "she's my cat"

Weiss: "she's so.. so...."

me: and I'm in trouble

Watson purrs a little bit and makes a soft meow

Weiss: "She's SO CUTE!!"

I sigh deeply thankful that Weiss likes cat's so much, and looking at the other girls they seem to like her compagnie to.

Blake: "what do you give her to eat?"

me: "left overs that I have"

All girls: "WHAT?!"

me: "she has been eating that for 7 years since she was and she still seems healthy, I found her outside the dumpster. Of single school "

Blake: "okay, but I will get food for her"

Watson looks at Blake and when she starts petting Watson jumps Watson immediately on her lap

Blake: "mind if I take care of her more often?"

me: "no problem"

Ruby: "can we go to sleep now? It's already dark outside"

I saw everybody ageing, the girls went into the bathroom to brush their theeth while I chagend into my nightwear. And they did to when I was brushing my teeth.

And after a funny chat we all went to sleep with a big smile

End of chapter 3:

I hope you like it, plz comment and give me tips/suggestions.

Also English ain't my native language so that's why there are so many errors probably.

Have a fun day and I'll see you later.

(RWBY) Ruby rose X Male (faunus) #RWBY watties 2016Where stories live. Discover now