Chapter 15: Anton VS Clodus

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(WARNING IT WILL GO DARKER IN THIS CHAPTER! But not for long only one thing)

It was the next morning, I had woken up facing an adorable sleeping Ruby, I had her in my arms and could feel her slowly breathing with a really cute sound when she exhaled. I ofcourse wanted to give a little kiss but I didn't wanted to wake her up, but...

Yang: *fires her ember celica* "WAKE UP EVERYONE IT'S SPARRING LESSON TODAY!"

We all p*ss*d ourselfs expect for Ruby who most likely got used to Yang's way of waking people up

Clodus: "A good morning Yang"

Weiss: *is mad* "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! You could've hit my dust and let us all explode!"

Yang: "I just used fake rounds" *laughs*

Blake: "I would like an little bit nicer wake up"

Clodus: "I mean I usealy don't mind but my ears hurt"

Me: "she does something to wake us up everytime we got sparring class"

Clodus: "oh..darn"

Ruby: "yea, but you'll get used to it" *giggles* "btw Anton, watch you back"

I turned around and saw Ruby jumping at me, I caught her and gave her a kiss blinding Weiss and Blake.

Yang: *has her sun glasses on "Shining! Now I can always wear sunglasses"


Ruby: "no, I will kiss my boyfriend when I want" *sticks out her tongue*

Yang: "she's right there Ice queen"

I could've seen that one coming, since Yang has said that had Weiss been complaining even when we were already in the launch room until Ruby and I blinded her again and we started floating

Weiss: "and you two can't stop touching eachother can you?!"

Clodus: "they can't hear you when they're floating"

Weiss: "oh.. why not?"

Everybody had was looking at the flying couple that was glowing

Clodus: "their aura blocks most sounds, they bond closer when they are like this. They do this on instinct, I will get them out of it" *grabs his flute*

Yang: "Wow you can play that?"

Clodus: "I can do a lot with it."

He starts playing on it and all the humans couldn't hear it, but most faunusses started dancing on it like it was a slow ball song

Weiss: "what are you doing?"

Blake: "he's playing... it's quite beautiful"

He ignored them and kept on playing, Ruby and Anton started descending after a minute and when they had landed they broke the kiss

Me: "wow you're a good kisser Ruby, but what was that music?"

Ruby: "what music?"

Clodus: "that I made, I can make some tunes on this flute that only faunusses can hear or only humans can hear, I got you two out of your state cause we have a class to go to"

Me: "yea... I forgot it let's go!"

[later at sparring class]

(this is a deffirend P.O.V then useal)

Glynda: "a good morning students, we never have enough time here so let's starts. Who wants to go first?

Clodus: "I want to"

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