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My eyes were glued to three bodies who sat on my couch next t my parents. A loud scream escaped my mouth. Causing the three bodies to do the same. They all ran toward me and pulled me into a hug.

It was Lori, Emily, and Candace. What were the doing here?

"Omg, what are you doing here?" I asked in shock.

"We missed you." Candace exclaimed.

"So honey, how was your camping experience?" Mom asked.

Um, I rambled for a lie to tell and there it was the perfect one.

"It was great we all had our own tents and they were set up around a campfire and everything." I lied hoping that she wouldn't catch me lying.

"Okay well you can tell me later, go spend time with the girls." Mom said shoeing us off. We all ran upstairs and jumped on my bed.

We sat and talked for hours. I spilled my guts about what had been happening over the couple of weeks. I knew that they wouldn't judge me so I told them everything. When I told them about this week they didn't believe me, so I showed them some of the bruises on my thigh. I had to admit they looked horrendous in the light.

They were telling me some of their crazy stories when a text came through my phone from Michael.

Hey babe what are you doing. Do you want to come back over me and the boys are getting bored of each other and we think that you could bring some joy to this dump... Please

They were all staring at me with wide eyes. "Is that him?" Emily asked me. I nodded in agreement as I texted him back.

I would love to but I have company from America, well actually my best friends from America.

Well that's okay they can come too we will have the door unlocked so just come in when you get here....

I locked my phone and looked at the eager girls who wanted to know what he wanted.

"Do you guys want to go to a hangout session?' I asked with a weak smile. I hated them being here and I was blowing them off.

"yes," the all agreed. So we all got up and made our way downstairs.

"Mom, I'm taking them out, to get pizza." I lied, "we might be out for a while I want to show them around."

"Okay, well keep your keys on you and your phone on because I'm locking the doors and going to bed." She said.

We all nodded as we made our way to my jeep. They all gushed over it.

I plugged my phone in the aux cord and let the speakers blare one of Lori's favorite songs Or Nah. We pulled up in Michaels drive and they were all excited to see and meet him. I was leading the way to his front door. I opened it too see all four boys sprawled out on the floor laughing.

"Hi babe," Michael said making the girls gush.

"Hi guys this is Candace, Lori, and Emily" I said pointing to each of them. "This is Calum, Luke, and Ashton" I said pointing to them. I walked over and sat on Michaels lap, "and this is Michael." I said ushering for them to join us. They did.

Lori and Candace found their way to Luke and Ashton. Those two had a love for boys that was undeniable. Most would call it an obsession, but honestly they were dedicated. Give them five minutes and they would know more about Luke and Ashton, than they knew themselves.

Calum was talking to Emily, they were hitting it off pretty well I might add. She was great, bubbly, and always kept a positive outlook on life.

"Thank you babe, you have just saved a boring night." Michael said nibbling my ear. Causing me to giggle.

We all finally started talking together and the girls and I told the four curious Australian boys about our homeland. It was around midnight and we were getting sleepy, so we were about to head home I had decided for us.

"Okay, I hate to be a party crasher, but its late and we need to go home." I said earning groans from everyone.

"Babe, its late and you all are tired stay here, I have a guest room you can stay in. Driving sleepy is worse than drunk driving. Text your mom and tell her your staying." Michael demanded.

I pulled out my phone and did as he wished, besides I would miss not staying here tonight.

Mom me and the girls are staying the night at Michaels I took them to meet him and we were all talking and didn't realize that it was late, and we are all tired so his mom said we couldn't leave until we got some rest. Well we will see you tomorrow.

I locked my phone not expecting a response. Michael shown me and the girls where would be sleeping. We were all saying good night. Each girl hugging each boy as Michael and I was in a deep kiss.

"Can we have him now?" Calum asked pulling Michael into his room.

I nodded and went to the guest bedroom that was straight across from Michaels room.

The girls and I talked for about thirty minutes, they thought they had hit the jackpot. They kept going on and on about how cute each boy was.

Every now and then we heard laughs coming from Michaels room, probably making fun of us being loud.

I soon dozed off and left them to talk.

One More Chance (Michael Clifford)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat