Day 2

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I woke up to an empty bed. The white covers were pulled back and had Michaels imprint on the tussled sheets. I slowly sat up and stretched my arms above my head. I let them fall down beside me as I yawned. I undid my hair from the top knot from last night.

I looked around the room and noticed that Michael was in the shower. The steam was evident that he was still in there. I could hear faint humming also.

I wonder if my parents were looking for me by now. Or were the even worried about me. You know what I'm not going to even let it bother me. I choose Michael over them any day. So I pushed the thought of them out of my mind.

Michael exited the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. Her walked over to the full length mirror to pick out an outfit that would suit him best.

I crawled out of the bed and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his wet body. I buried my face in his back.

"Good morning," he said.

I pulled my hands away from him and walked to the front of the shower. I don't know what has gotten into me lately but I wanted him every minute.

I knew that he wouldn't have a go this early in the morning unless I worked hard at it. So I decided to pull every move that drove him wild.

I looked over my shoulder and noticed he was watching me. I slowly pulled my joggers off of my legs and let them fall to the floor as I stepped out of them.

"No," he mumbled under his breath, "no."

I smiled, because now I knew that it was going to be a challenge I planned on winning.

I then removed my jumper to reveal my bra. I ten quickly tossed it off to the side. A small mumble escaped Michaels lips. I looked over my shoulder to see Michael licking his lips. He turned his head away hoping that I hadn't caught him.

A soft moan escaped my lips as I slowly and seductively pulled my underwear down my legs.

"You know what!" Michael said giving up. I had won, yes.

Michael picked me up and walked me over to the bed. He threw me ruffly on the bed. I had never seen this side of Michael. He then crawled on the top of me and tightly gripped my arms and held them above my head. It hurt, but for some strange reason I wanted more. Michael starting sucking my neck. He applied teeth every now and then, causing me to wince in pain. He then traveled all over my body sucking and biting, leaving purple marks everywhere.

"You are going to pay for that slick move you just pulled over on me." He growled.

He let go of my hands as he entered in to me. His hips started bucking fast and hard. My hands went to rest on his back, when he grabbed them tightly and placed them back above my head. I'm pretty sure he was leaving bruises.

He was coming in his first high and he finished me off and pulled out slowly. He tightly griped my thighs as he began teasing me. He then crawled off of me to get dressed. I looked down at my body and my arms, bruises were splattered everywhere.

I got off the bed and went to the shower. I grabbed my luffa and but some body wash. I quickly washed my body off and got out.

Michael was standing in front of me he grabbed my arms and looked at my bruises. He took a step back and looked at all he had done to me.

"I'm so sorry Capri, I didn't realize I was being so ruff." He said with guilt in his eyes.

"No, its fine." I tried to reassure.

"No its not look at you, you have bruises. I hurt you. I will have to control myself. I will have to teach my self to be delicate wit you again, like before. I don't know what happened I lost it, sorry." He said handing me a towel.

"Get dressed I have a fun filled day for us." He said walking out of the room.

I put on my undergarments. I scanned my bag and pulled out a pair of maroon skinnies with rips in them. I pulled out a cream knit sweater. I put both pieces of clothing on. I then put on my brown Doc Martens.

I blow dried my hair and let it hang natural down my back. I applied very little makeup as usual. I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my back pocket.

I walked over to my bag and pulled out a small was of cash and shoved it in my boot.

I left the bedroom and found Michael in the kitchen eating Cheetos.

"I'm ready," I informed him.

He licked the powder cheese off of his fingers and grabbed the room key and his phone. We exited the room and made our way to the elevator. We stepped in and I got closer to Michael as he pressed first floor.

We descended down in the small box and soon was free on the first floor. Michael took my hand as we exited the hotel.

"Where are we going first?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He told me smiling.

We walked for a good distance until we arrived at a coffee shop.

"It's the best one in town." He informed me as we entered.

Do the not have a Starbucks here, because the inner white girl absolutely loved the over priced beverage.

I glanced around the small coffee shop and it was pretty busy. Once it was our turn to order Michael gave his and stepped out of the way for me.

"I will have an iced frappe wit a double shot of espresso. Whipped cream with chocolate and caramel syrup drizzled over the whipped cream please." I told the young lady.

Michael chuckled as he took my hand and led us to a table.

"What?" I asked laughing like I knew what he was laughing at.

"You sounded like a coffee expert." He said still laughing.

"Well I just know what I like, that's all."  I said probably too defensively.

Michael raised his hands in surrender, "okay."

The waitress brought our drinks over and we grabbed them and left.

We were walking casually when two familiar faces caught my attention.

Calum and Emily. What were they doing in London?

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