Family Affairs

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I was getting dressed pondering why Michaels father was in London with us. I put on some joggers and a  T-shirt. I wrapped my wet hair up in a towel. I made my way out of the bedroom and to the living room.

Michael was sitting on the couch, the towel was still draped over his waist. His dad sat adjacent to him in a chair. They were whispering about something, buy stopped when I sat down my Michael.

"Hi," I greeted.

"You must be the infamous Capri, it is very nice to meet you. You can call me Mr. Clifford, unless that's already Michaels name." His dad teased.

My face turned red. Did he know that Michael and I were intimate. I didn't want him to think I was a hoe.

"Dad," Michael warned.

"I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. Okay well it was nice to see you and I will be leaving now I have some business to attend to." His dad said staring down at Michael.

His dad soon left and Michael removed himself from the couch and walked over to his bag. He dropped the towel from his waist. I couldn't help but stare as he clothed his toned body.

"What was all of that about. I mean why is your dad here?" I asked.

"Nothing, don't bring it back up." He snapped picking up his bags and walking to the bedroom.

Before he turned into the room he looked back at me.

"I'm sorry." He said.

He then continued into the bedroom and I followed. He sat there bag down by the bed and sat at the edge. His elbows rested on his knees with his elbows.

I walked over to him and pulled his arms off of his knees. He sat upright and I straddled his lap.

"Look, I don't know how strong you and your father's relationship is, but can you please just forget about it, because I want you to be happy. We are in London together babe." I said kissing his cheek.

He smiled weakly, "okay I will forget about for you."

"I will take care of you later, you are not going to pleasure me and I can't do nothing for you. So, think about that." I said getting off of his lap.

He grabbed my wrist and turned me around. He laid back on the bed and pulled me on top of him.

"Well then I am definitely in a good mood." He said kissing my neck.

We got comfortable on the bed. We talked for a little bit and fell asleep.

"Babe, wake up we over slept our date is in forty minutes." Michael said shaking me.

"Oh God," I said jumping off of the bed.

I ran over to my duffle and pulled out some cream colored skinnies. I then pulled out a navy sweater. I put those on and some knit socks and brown leather boots. I quickly curled the ends of my hair. Put on light makeup. I took me about 30 minutes. Michael got dressed quicker than I did and was waiting on me.

"Ready?" I asked as I entered the living area.

"Yes and you look hot." He said taking my hand leading us out of the penthouse and to the elevator.

We made our way down to the restaurant. I man greeted us at the entrance. Michael greeted the man and have his name. The man led us to a little table towards the back.

The restaurant was dimly light and had a fair crowd. Michael pulled my seat out for me and I sat. He pushed me up just a little and walked to his chair and sat.

"I will start you off with wine, red or white?" The waiter asked.

"Red." Michael said picking up his menu.

I did the same. I opened the menu and glanced at the prices. Everything was expenses. I couldn't let Michael pay for everything.

"I'm helping pay for this." I said looking up from my menu.

"No, you are not." He said without looking up.

"Michael," I said, "I'm not going to let you use all of your money on a dinner. We could have ate McDonalds or pizza, I would have been as happy."

"It's not very gentleman like for the lady to pay for the food. I will pay for this meal and I will let you buy me something nice." He said trying to convince me.

I decided that it would be better than arguing.

"Fine," I said picking my menu back up.

"Are we ready to order," the waiter asked as he came back with the wine.

"We will have chefs choice." Michael said.

The waiter nodded and left.

Michael, thank you." I said.

He smiled at me, "I know I shouldn't ask, but for what?"

"For everything, I thought you really were just using me that night you left me. It took me until this moment to realize that you really love me, thank you." I said staring at his beautiful features.

"I really do, I could never use you. I know it might sound cheesy, but before you I was with a different girl each night. You changed me completely, I don't know how you did it. If a completely naked girl stood in my face I would look around her to see you. If it was me a few months ago I would have banged her right there. So thank you Capri."

We talked about how much we meant to each other until the waiter brought our food.

It was lemon pepper shrimp with veggies under them. It was so good. We finished our expense meal and went for a night time stroll.

It was so cold here. I guess it would be though it was December. Michael and I walked hand in hand down the crowded street. We went into a few stores and browsed. We didn't buy anything though, I think it was mainly to warm our cold bodies.

We made the block and was finally back in front of the hotel. We walked into a warm blast as we entered the hotel. We quickly made our way up to the bedroom.

As we entered I ran and put on my pj's. I pulled out my grey and black joggers and a jumper. I put on some fuzzy socks and tied my hair up in a top knot.

Michael was wearing ninja turtle pj pants and a black T-shirt.

I went to the kitchen and found some hot cocoa mix. I went to the fridge to find milk. So I pulled it out and sat it on the counter. I opened the cabinet to find a few mugs. I pulled two out and poured some milk in them.

I then warmed up the milk and added the cocoa mix. I took both mugs in my hands and walked to the living area. I handed him one as I sat down beside him.

I took a sip of the warm beverage and let it slide down my throat and warm my entire body. Michael wrapped his arm arm around my waist as he pulled me close to him.

He leant down and kissed my cheek. I love him so much.

We talked for a bit about different things. Mostly about ourselves. I was listening to one of Michaels stories when I fell asleep on his shoulder.

One More Chance (Michael Clifford)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ