Before All Hell Breaks Loose...

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Wow! So you were insane enough to try and read this.

Perfect, there's no leaving now! So buckle up your seat belts and allow me to explain how this deadly roller coaster will go.

1. There will be absolutely no bias according to my own preferences(well, I'm human and so are you, so as little as possible). Everything will be based purely on fan base opinion, and aspects I've found about the ship on my own. If you feel there's bias, please let me know and I will work to remove it.

2. Yes there are LGBT+ ships accepted. If you're not into that, just skip those chapters before you allow your head to blow up.

3. When requesting a ship, INCLUDE WHAT FRANCHISE IT'S FROM. For Example: Orange X Apple from Annoying Orange (this was pure stupidity on my own part, if this is actually a ship I think I've lost all faith in humanity). If it's something I've ever heard of, I'll do my best to watch/find reviews of said franchise, though it will take a while longer than something I'm familiar with.

4. Please limit your ships to video games and animes. I'm not really interested in watching Supernatural, or Sherlock. Though I bet they're great shows, I'm not really willing to put in the time yet.


6. Have fun and make sure your seat belts are extra secure.

I'll start off with Chrobin, then Chromia, our seemingly two most controversial ships in the Fire Emblem Awakening fan base, to give you a taste of how this will all go. Thanks for reading..!

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