Chrobin: Chrom x F!Robin

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Ship name: Chrobin

Characters/Franchise: F! Robin and Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening

How they met: [slight spoilers for the beginning of FE:A. But, if you've played the demo at least, this is nothing] In the beginning, you are stuck in battle with Validar, a mysterious villain you know nothing of, and you(Robin) and Chrom are the only two people left. Together, you defeat him, but not enough for him to be fully deceased. Validar than employs a curse upon the Avatar (or MU/Robin) which causes you to kill Chrom accidentally.
In the next scene, you wake up in a field suddenly with no recollection of who you are, or where you came from. Chrom and his friends (Lissa, his sister, and Frederick, their body guard) generously allow you to join them until arriving at the main city of Ylisse, or the capital. As the game goes on, the two, Robin the tactician, and Chrom, the heir to Ylisse's exalt title, become very trusting of each other.

Fanbase popularity: Normally people hate it or adore it. I stand on middle ground. People new to the support system of the game, usually have no idea that pairing your unit with another allots to support conversations. I almost accidentally married him, but thanks to miiverse I was able to avoid this, because even though I laughed quite a lot at their support conversations, I preferred another character over him.

If you know me well enough... You know who it is.

5 Reasons to Like it:
1) Really funny support conversations, if you like your overused anime tropes, you'll probably love this.
2) Your children will be so OP [then again, it's just really hard to go wrong with Morgan. Robin and Chrom are both units that are made to be paired up)
3) In-game scenes are changed to honor matrimony to Chrom [SPOILERS: such as when Lucina attempts to kill Robin, if MU is married to Chrom, Lucina laments over how her actions would be matricide. With my own bias, the scene is really cute]
4) Makes battling in the game early on way easier, MU and Chrom paired up are beasts.
5) I'm sorry, but let me just touch on the support conversations again-- *gets smacked* YOU LAZY BUTT, YOU JUST COULDN'T THINK OF ANOTHER REASON.

Okay here: They're both main characters, meaning they converse the most together than anyone else in game really. Normally, these conversations are quite sweet if you're married to Chrom, so it's a pro. This is excluding Basilio and Flavia though, because they don't join your party until MUCH later.

5 Reasons to Dislike it:
1) This ship is at war with Chromia.

Just know what you're getting yourself into, sometimes people can be extremely rabid and... In my own opinion, it's very unnecessary. We all like the same game, let's just be happy..!
2) Reason for a lot of hate against other, perfectly permissible, units. Namely Sumia. And before you shout at me about bias, what I'm stating is very true. Sumia has great potential, with a better magic stat than Cordelia (even though Cordelia out does her counter part in strength, pretty greatly) and very high speed, it's actually kinda sad people just dismiss her. *how about I get this back on track before I start ranting about my love for Sumia, sorry ^^;;*
3) Chrom isn't the best unit for Morgan. Yes, even though Morgan is a beast no matter who you marry with, other, and better options, still exist. Each unit offers their own unique strengths and weaknesses which can balance that of your own. (For example: Asset is HP, Flaw is Skill. Maybe Lon'qu, or Say'ri, are characters to consider) And even if you're not looking to balance your child's stats, there are always other characters that can boost the growths of Morgan even more in certain areas than others.
4) The personality of MU is blander than watching paint dry.

If you know what X Reader fan fictions are like, the character "you" are must always be pretty normal, or else you risk excluding a demographic of people who don't act "feisty" or "sympathetic". So, in return of having the ability to make your own Avatar, you get a strange mix of tsundere, deredere, and many other personality traits. And, on top of this, no character development. Although the supports between these two characters are significantly funny and memorable, it offers no real insight on Chrom and his back story.

And yes, there are other supports where the counterpart is developed. And again, if you know me well enough you know who I'm talking about. This is an appropriate time to say I have bias...

... Towards Stahl.
5) It's pretty damn "un-canonical"

Sometimes people like to say Chrom X F!Robin is "canon" because of their developed relationship, but there are a lot of holes.


First: Morgan and Lucina's support conversations are inconsistent. Even though when you recruit Morgan, he mentions not having any memory of the future, when speaking with Lucina as a sibling, he whines about how she never let him wield Falchion in the future.

What?? I don't know about you Morgan, but I thought having amnesia meant you don't recall your memories. Are you lying to us!? And even THAT doesn't make any sense because all thanks to the "Future's Past" DLC, we know that Morgan became a servant of Grima. Yeah, no duh Lucina wouldn't let you use Falchion. YOU WERE THE ENEMY.

*smacks head on the wall*

Speaking of which, if Morgan has the mark of the exalt, shouldn't looking at it revive his memories? Any bright ideas Chrom, or are you just gonna let your son keep damaging his brain?

No? Okay.

Well that just about concludes this part, feel free to leave requests! It can be from Fire Emblem, or Pokemon... Whatever you want as long as it's anime/video game related.

And you can all thank Donuts3132 for the last reason, she's got the goods.

I'm greatly anticipating a new update where I can add gifs and pictures to the actual story text...! I have funny pictures I found online to share *A*

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