Chromia: Chrom x Sumia

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Ship names: Chromia

Characters/Franchise: Sumia and Chrom from Fire Emblem: Awakening

How They Met: [slight spoilers for the beginning of the game] It can be assumed they knew each other previously, probably as children while Sumia was training to be a Pegasus Knight and Chrom, a lord. But, when you (the avatar) meet Sumia, it's heavily implied she was worried about Chrom's absence since he went on a mission.

And possibly that she's got a big, fat, lesbian crush on him.


Errrrr an-y-wayssss.... Even though you don't recruit Sumia in the event you meet her, she is advised to tag along because *initiate deep voiced Chrom impersonation* "Some lessons can only be learned on the battlefield". From the moment you meet her she trips, time and time again, and is shown as a sweet, deredere type. Later on when you get to actually recruit her, she saves Chrom from becoming the world's largest pin cushion on her new Pegasus. The scene is dubbed "Lovebirds" in the English translation and was changed (most likely due to the "canon" controversy) when released in Europe to "Ze Rescue". Okay... It didn't actually say "ze" but I'm trying to spice up life a bit here ;;-;;

And that's basically it for their introductions.

Fanbase Opinion: Just like Chrobin; you normally either hate it or you love it! Sometimes you'll meet people who ship BOTH Chrobin and Chromia, but that's extremely rare. From what I've seen, Chrobin shippers (plus others, mostly Chrolivia though) bash on the ship because of reasons I will list later, and I'm not so sure what Chromia shippers do. I do know one (shadowofchaos725 or something like that, he's on YouTube) who actively supports Chromia but others?? Someone inform me on this okay..!?

Either way, all of Chrom's supports suck.

But, that's a rant for a whole other day. Maybe a rant I'll even include in this very book, if anyone even wants it. I've probably gotten under too many people's skin at this point.. ^^;;

5 Reasons to Like it:
1) Pies
Much alike to F!Robin and Chrom's supports, these supports are quite a laugh (and if you'd like to see my own reaction to the S-Support, check out my miiverse, Olivia♪ or Ivory♪). Sumia's deredere character takes over as she cares for Chrom after he trips over a pebble because he's so exhausted..! I'll admit, they're pretty unfulfilling because you're just sitting here like "MAKE A MOVE SUMIA" but instead she's insisting on feeding Chrom more pies. Sumia pls.

But, revolving around the idea that these supports are very comical, like all of Chrom's supports really (actually, it's official. I'm making a part about why all of Chrom's supports are just completely insane, in my humble opinion), is a pro.
2) Blue Haired Cynthia! Also, Cynthia with Aether.
Much of the fandom agrees, Cynthia with that good ol' midnight blue hair is extremely adorable. It even matches the ruffles on her armor, the only other character I prefer for Cynthia's hair is either choosing one through M!Robin or Henry. Along with awesome hair bonuses, you get Cynthia with the Holy grail of skills, Aether.

I lied, Sol is the Holy grail of skills but let's make Chrom feel a little important here, okay?

But really, Chrom is probably the best father for Cynthia. Provided you have to bring him into almost all the battles (excluding grinding), Chrom will offer really good stats for a sadly, Strength starved, Cynthia. Of course, if you'd like to take advantage of Sumia's magic, then Henry is a better option, and Frederick is a good training partner for her early on, but Frederick will overall, weigh down Cynthia's stats unless you're dedicated enough to train him to Level 10 and use a second seal.
But fam, that shiz is hard.
3) Sumia and Chrom will dodge for days, along with godly speed Lucina.
In a world where you don't have enough second seals to make Chrom into a cavalier, Sumia is a great option to give Lucina a needed speed growth. In the game, characters with the highest speed normally are: Sumia, Gaius, Lon'qu, Cordelia, Anna, and Panne. Second gens vary based on parents, and mages with abnormally high speed are Ricken and Tharja-
*somebody knocks on door* Huh? Who is it? *opens ze door* "Excuse me, but you forgot about Don--"


Ahem, anyways... You see how none of those characters are on Chrom's marriage list except for Sumia? Well then. If you want a Lucina you don't need to have paired up to dodge, Sumia is your best option honestly. I'm excluding MU here because if you keep MU on the tactician path, even if asset is speed, it won't really affect Lucina's speed as greatly as Sumia's speed does.
4) Sumia has the highest candidacy in Chrom's "forced marriage", meaning since her marriage pool is limited, there's little risk of losing a child unit.
Fliers are very useful honestly, and you'll be missing out if you can't recruit Cynthia. She's got potential.
5) If you like "canons", you'll love this.
It's mostly agreed upon in the FE:13 fan base that Chrom X Sumia is canon. Why? Well here you go: Sumia STILL appears after minor characters are left out in scenes. You know the infamous "Sumia socks Chrom in the face" event right? Well, this was at a point in the game where other units stopped having their special lil moments, so it's small proof of Sumia's importance to the game plot. Second, those few seconds in the opening where you see Chrom and Sumia holding baby Lucina.
But honestly, there's no point in arguing what's "canon" and what's not because every support offers their own unique aspect to the game. So, don't take anyone's word when they say they know what's canon and what isn't. They don't. It's almost as insane as saying you know exactly what God wants.
Oh wait, people do that? And there goes my faith in humanity.

5 Reasons to Dislike it:
1) Feminism
Long and hard Chrobin shippers have argued that Chromia is "anti-Feminism". And the reason is simple: Sumia's stereotypical "feminine" personality. She bakes, she's kind, and is quiet. But I don't know, maybe you've all forgotten that she KICKS ASS TOO.
But, I guess if you don't like doing your own research, then yeah sure. Sumia's too feminine and the Avatar is definitely a tsundere type. If you didn't catch that, it was sarcasm. The Avatar has no real personality, as previously explained, and Sumia is much more than just a housemaid.
... Mini rant=over
2) "Shoved in your face"
Because of Chromia's rumored "canonicalness" many fans find it annoying how much it's hinted at that Sumia is in love with Chrom. On top of this, she has a special priority over all of Chrom's other marriage options. So, even though the pairing itself is okay, it's often overwhelmed by the cries of fans who find it too annoying.
3) Without training Sumia? LUCINA WILL SUCK.
That's right! I've told you that Lucina can be great with Sumia as a mother, but if you don't put that time into training, Lucina will have bad stats. Horrible stats, actually. Sumia's base when you first recruit her is gross, I mean-- LOOK AT HER HP.
If you're really looking for a pairing that you can get a good child unit from "without putting too much work in" (which is frankly, pretty impossible) than Sumia X Chrom is not for you.
4) Totally backstabbing Cordelia.
If you're familiar with the game, you're probably also familiar with the strong companionship between Cordelia and Sumia. (Actually, I just got the best LoK-FEA:13 crossover idea where Chrom is Mako, Sumia is Asami, and Cordelia is Korra, and if you have any idea how the series goes, you know where I'm going) But, there's a catch in their friendship; both are in love with the captain of the Ylissean Guard, otherwise known as Chrom. In reality, Cordelia's just the scrub who doesn't get any supports with Chrom, while Sumia does. The poor red head is just so hopelessly in love with him that she can't even keep herself composed around him. So, how do you think she might've felt when Sumia married Chrom?
Actually, here's the perfect YouTube conversation to sum it up:
Chrom: Yo Fred
Fredrick: Yes sire?
Chrom: I'm sliding into Sumias pants soon but theres this weird chick with a pegleg that grosses me out that wont leave me alone. Could you maybe take care of that?
Fredrick: (good thing he doesnt know I secretly have a cripple fetish)
Chrom: what was that Frederick?
Frederick: OH NOTHING You know
Lances and mlady and stuff
Okay, that was a joke but STILL. Gotta feel bad for her..! But it's okay, you can still give Cordelia Gaius! *gets smacked* BIAS
5) Cynthia's an air head.
Oh gods above, Cynthia really is a dope. I don't know how in the world she thought a THEIF looked like Chrom, or how she never came to the conclusion that "Hm... I wonder where mother is...". It just-- what? Cynthia pls, use your brain. OH, and then there's the fact that somehow he got him to call her his "pega-pony princess". Apparently it's just localization for "kawaii masamune" or... Something like that, but really? Really?

*ze sigh* That's it for this chapter! Please feel free to request more ships, and look forward to that Chrom rant.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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