Ch 1

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Authors note: Read this as if you are Emma! It isn’t even close to finished yet but I’ll continue writing later :) I promise you I am not crazy! Just bored! Haha Enjoy!

“Hey, I’m bored… let’s take a walk.” Me and Lexii went outside and walked over to the park down the street. We live in a small town, Iselin, New Jersey, to be exact, in a nice quiet little neighborhood. We liked to come to this park and people watch sometimes but most of the time there weren’t many people. But today was different.

We were sitting on the swings when we saw three guys shooting a video. One of the guys was really tall and the other two were about the same height and they must be twins because from the distance they look EXACTLY the same. Except for of course one was wearing a beanie and the other a snap-back. “Don’t stare too hard” Lexii laughed at me.

“What?!? Its funny okay! Look at what they are doing!” and it was funny. They were dancing and being silly for whatever they were making.

“Yes, I’m sure that is why you are staring at them,” she teased.

“Okay okay they are attractive, I’ll give them that haha”

They must have seen us staring because the guy in the snap-back called over, “We aren’t really crazy! Haha we are just making a YouTube video!” I couldn’t help but giggle a little but then I yelled back “Okay good I wouldn’t want any crazy’s living in my neighborhood!” and winked. After they finished filming their video they came over to us.

“Hi, how ya doing I’m Nolan” said the tallest one.

“I’m Adam” explained the one in the snap-back looking right into my eyes, “And this is my brother, Nick”

“Hey” nick muttered shyly.

“I’m Emma, this is my friend Lexii”

“Do you girls live around here?” Adam asked

“Yeah I live right down the street” Lexii must have been uncomfortable because she got up and was about to walk away but before she did she held up her phone and shook it at me. ‘Text me’ she mouthed. I nodded to her and looked back at the three gorgeous boys standing in front of me. I knew they had to be at least 19 which was fine with me because I’m 19 too.

“Oh cool well maybe we’ll see you around some time. Me and Nick live right there” He pointed to a cute brown house next to the park.

“Yeah, maybe you will” I said and smiled as I walked away.

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