Chapter 9

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~*~ Fran's POV~*~
~~Still at the hospital~~

"Wait you want us to do what??" I ask, kind of confused.
"I want you guys to come with us. If I move I want you guys to come with me. The police still haven't found my dad and I don't want to live in fear for the rest of my life." Ashley says. She makes a good point.
"What about our families?" Bethany says.
"You could always visit them, i-if you want they can come, the house is very big." She responds.
"I'm in." Amanda says. "I mean I have to graduate first but thats in a few months." Wow.
"I mean I guess Im in." I say looking down. I can feel Mike's eyes on me.
"Yay! Thank you guys I love you." Ashley says and hugs the both of us.
"Anyone else?" Ashton says.
"I mean my girlfriend can't leave me here so, I'm in." Mikey says and I run over and hug him.
"I'm in but I have to be able to come back and visit my family." Bethany says.
"Calum?" Ashton says, "Ya in."
"Yeah, Im in." He says looking down and smiling at Beth.
"I love you guys!! So much!" Ashley says. Then the rude nurse walks in and rolls her eyes.
"You just have to sign the papers and your free to go." She says and hands Ashley the papers, which she gladly signs. Then we leave and go get pizza. 

"Oh, my gosh. That hospital's food was so nasty." She has gotta like 4 pieces of pizza already.
"Um, Ashley and I are thinking about going to the house early, before graduation, but we'll come back for it." Ashton says.
"Aren't you gonna graduate?" I ask her.
"Um, yea but I'm not going to go on stage. I have enough credits to graduate early." She answers.
"But I'll miss you too much." Bethany says.
"Its just for a 2 months and then I'll come back to help you guys pack and everything." Ashley responses. "Anywhore, what happened at school?"

Amanda answers "Ms. Darbie was crabby as usual. Oh, Ms. Washington had her baby."

"Oh, my god. Really?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, it is a beautiful baby girl, she sent us pictures." I responded.

"Oh, that's cool." Ashley said.

"Ash, we should go home and pack if you wanna leave by Sunday." Ashton said.

"Yeah, okay. Bye guys. Text me." Then they left.

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