Chapter One

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Ashley's pov

"I don't want you to see him anymore." Ian raises his voice at me.

"No! I really like him." I yell back.

"I don't trust him." He yells.

"Why? I trust him. I would trust him with my life.!"

"He is going break your heart." He says sincerely. Im still really pissed at him. We have been fighting since he picked me up from my date with Ashton.

"At least I can get a guy! You can't even admit your gay!" I go into my room and slam the door in his face.

I had changed into shorts and a over size shirt that belongs to Ash. A few minutes later a there is a soft knock at my door. I open it and look down.

"What happened?" Lilly asks. I pick her up and walk to my bed. "Why are you not in bed asleep?" I ask her.

"You guys yelling woke me up." I frown at her.

"He was mad at me for dating this guy I love."

"Oh. Your not gonna do it again, are you?" She asks. Sadness fills her voice. "No. No, I won't," I tell her as she is messing with my scars on my thighs. Then I start tickling her to change the mood. "You need to go to bed." She starts squirming and giggling.

"Stop! Stop!" She screams. I do a few minutes later. "Can I sleep in here with you?"

"Aw. Oh course you can."

~The next morning~

Lilly is still asleep so I try not to wake her. I get up and walk to the kitchen. Its 12:35. I get out a bowl and pour some milk in to it. Then my cereal. Ian walks in. "Morning." He says. I ignore him.
"Look, Im sorry. I shouldn't have said that stuff about Ashton."
"Okay." I say, not completely forgiving him.
"How did you know?"
"Me. Being gay."
"I see the way you look at Lucy and the way you look at Brad. You have more happiness and love in your eyes when you look at Brad."
"Oh." His voice trailed off. "Is it that obvious?"
"If you're worried about him knowing, don't"
"He obvi likes you back. All you have to do look and see how they look at people."
"Did dad ever come home last night?"
"No. I don't think so." My dad is a drunk and abusive. He is never home, and when he is he is hitting me or trying to hit Lilly, which neither I nor Ian let him do.

I texted Ashton later to see if he want to go to the mall.
Hey babe
Want to go to the mall?
Sure want me to pick you up
Sure. Would it be okay if our friends came?
Sure babe.
Kay. I'll text em.
Okay I'm coming to pick you up now
Okay. I'll be ready.

I already took a shower so I just curled my hair and put on a black skinny jeans, combat boots, and a cute teal shirt. I hear the door open. Maybe Ian went to go hang out with Brad. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I just pray Ashton just let himself in.
"And where do you think your going?" My dad slurs.
"Out with friends."
"Oh, no your not." My body stiffens as his steps closer.
"And why not?" He grabs my arm and raises his fist. I flinch awaiting the hit. He hits me once. Right on the eye. I flinch awaiting the next punch. Instead of feeling the 2nd punch I hear the impact of someone's fist hitting someone else repeatedly. I slowly open my eyes to Ian beating the crap out of my dad. "Ian what are you doing? Stop!" I scream.
"No. This is the last time he is going to lay a hand of you or Lilly. Ever since mom died he has been like this. For 6 years he has just drank and gotten drunk. Im done with it." He says as I try to make him stop and I succeed.
"What about us? We have nowhere to go. Im not gonna let Lilly end up with foster parents."
"Doesn't Ashton have his own apartment?"
"Yeah. But," He cuts me off.
"Just take Lilly and go there. You can get your stuff later." He says as he picks up his phone.
"Who are you calling?"
"The police."
"No. No more police. They didn't believe us last time, they won't believe us this time."
"I knew he was gonna come drunk and hit you so I put my camera out. Its been out all night."
I hear a faint knocking. I walk down stairs to the door and open it to a smiling Ashton. He smile quickly fades. "Oh, my god." He drops the flowers he was holding. "What happen to you?" He says as he caressed my face. "Are you okay? Baby talk to me." He hugs me. "Yeah. Im fine. Is it okay if Lilly and I stay at you place?"
"Yes. Of course baby." I break the hug and grab his hand. I led him upstairs. "So what happened to your eye? And don't tell me you fell and hit a doorknob."
"My dad hit me." I say coldly.
"How come you never told me?"
"I didn't want you to know and think less of me or not like me anymore."
"I love you. You know that. It wouldn't just change because of your dad. The only thing that would have changed is that you and Lilly would already be living with me." I hug him, tight. "I love you." I say into his shoulder as I started crying.
Ian coughs to get Ashton's and my attention. I look up at Ian and wipe my eyes. I winch in pain. The eye where he hit me still hurts.
"I just gonna pack some of my stuff and some of Lilly's." I walk to my room.

A/N             The outfits are on Polyvore.

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