Chapter 10

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A/N I thought that you should know that they currently live in Modesto, California.

~~Bethany's POV~~

"Guys, do we really want to move? I mean our whole lives are here." Amanda says.

"It might be good to start over, go someplace new." Fran says.

"We already promised them that we would go with them." Michael says.

"It would be really good for Ashley, considering everything that happened with her dad." Fran says.

"Yeah, but how is that our fault?" Calum says.  I mean I want to go with them to the new house but I don't want to leave my home. My friends, my family, everything is here.

"It's not, but if something like that happened to one of us, she would come with us in a heartbeat." Fran says.

"I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with moving though." Am says.

"I am. It would be nice to get out of this little town, where nobody knows you. All mysterious and shit." Michael chuckles.

"We already told them we were going to come with them. Lets just try it out and if we don't like it we can move back here." Fran says, trying to compromise.

"I'm willing to try, I guess." Calum says.

"Me too." Am says.

"What do you think, Beth?" Fran asks me.

"What? Oh. Um, it's a g-good idea, I-I guess." I respond startled.

"Are you okay?" Calum asks.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I was just in outer-space" I say.

"Oh, okay." He says, sounding worried.

"We're gonna head out. Go home, get some rest." Fran says, while her and Michael get up.

"Oh, okay. Bye." I say.

"You wanna leave, babe?" Calum asks me.

"Yeah, sure."

"Head to my place?"

"That sound good. Bye Amanda." I wave bye as we walk towards the door.

"Bye! Text me!" She yells as we walk out the door.

~~ Amanda's POV~~

"Hey, where were you all day?" My mom asks.

"I went to go see Ashley."

"Oh, how is she?"

"She got out today."

"Oh, that's good."

"Amanda!" My little brother, Zach, yells.

"Hey, little man. Whats up?" I ask as I pick him up.

"Ms. O gave us candy today." He says, happily.

"Oh, that is so cool. Are you gonna share any of that candy?" I ask, while tickling him and messing around.

"Nope." He hops out of my arms and starts running. I chase after him.

"Dinner." My mom yells. Zach and I run into the dinning room and sit down. As soon as we are about to start eating, my dad walks in.

"No, tell him I want the report in my office by Monday morning." He closes his phone and puts its on the table.

"Daddy," Zach yells as he runs and hugs him.

"Hey, buddy. Is dinner ready, honey?" He asks.

"Yes, just came out of the oven. We're having chicken." We all take our places at the table and start to pill food on our plates. After a while I bring up the talk we had with Ashley.

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