On The 3rd Day of Christmas

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On the third day of Christmas, we came crashing down.

"Your plane got delayed?" I questioned as I clutched my phone in my hand, staring at the computer screen where different flight schedules set for New York were displayed.

I heard a hum of confirmation from the other line along with a stressful sigh, "The apparent heavy snow over there makes it impossible for airplanes to go in or out," he explained, "But I don't think it won't be too long."

A frown was now permanently etched on my face and I believe that he would be the only to make it go away. I shouldn't be complaining, some other couple have it worst with differing countries, but when you're in different sides of the country, it's hard not to wish that you could be together again.

"It's just..." I trailed off, standing up from my desk and plopping down on my bed, "It's just that I haven't seen you in so long."

During junior year of high school, there was this boy from my class who suddenly asked me out for our homecoming dance. I didn't know him that well, but when he showed me that adorable smile, I said yes in an instant. After all, it was just a dance.

That one night of happiness turned into days, then weeks, then months, and now we're battling out the years. When we graduated, everybody thought that we were going to break up because we have decided to enter different colleges – him taking sunny California and me heading here to New York.

But we beat the odds and the doubts, we're still together.

"I know," he replied, his tone softening as he tried to comfort me, "I miss you."

Hugging my knees to my chest, my eyes started to water. I yearned to see him again and to feel his touch. The last time we were in each other's arms was way back in summer, in an airport on the day he flew back to his university.

It wasn't like that it was our first time doing this routine – we've been doing it for more or less three years. When you're stuck in your daily life of attending classes and cradling your social life, it's hard to find time to do the things that you actually want to do.

You know, life see your significant other.

Because sometimes, even this one-room apartment feels too big for just one person when loneliness comes to visit.

"Go to sleep, baby," he told me, "We'll see each other tomorrow."

Even though I wanted to stay on the phone with him until he boards the plane, I knew that it would be easier for the both of us if I listened to his request, "Alright."

"I love you," he said and I blushed furiously, falling back into the mattress before I buried my face into my pillow, trying to stop my fast-beating heart, "And I love you."

Four years in this relationship and I still react like this whenever he says those three words. It hit me like a tidal wave when he uttered it for first time, I was rendered speechless and the more time it took me to react, the more he started to sweat. It was adorable and I thanked the heavens that it gave me him.

He told me a soft goodbye before ending the call. Once again, I was buried in silence, only the heater creating a sort of buzzing noise as the only sound in this room. Looking at the screen of my phone, I groaned.

This wasn't the way I wanted things to turn out.

Placing the device on my bedside table, I dived under the duvet before I turned off my small lamp, deciding to just call it a night.

To my surprise, I had a good sleep. Although it got interrupted when I got a text from Nick at three in morning, telling me that he was about to board the plane. I shot him a short reply before I returned to my deep slumber.

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