Grocery Store

411 35 5

Scott opened the fridge, his stomach rumbling. To his disappointment, there wasn't anything to eat. Well, anything he truly desired, not even milk for cereal. He groaned and closed the fridge. It was going to be a get-out-of-the-house day after all, even on a weekend.

Before he decided to get properly dressed to go out in public, he picked up his phone to respond to five messages, from two different people.

Esther Kaplan: I sincerely hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Esther Kaplan: Please don't forget that your work project is due tomorrow. I'm sure the boss would like it.

Scott sighed and dismissed his coworkers' messages. He started to read the other ones.

Jeremy Michael: hey you doing anything friday night?
Jeremy Michael: I have some friends coming in town and I think youd like to meet them
Jeremy Michael: just answer when you have the chance

He groaned out loud reading the texts. Knowing Jeremy, he knew that his friend would tell the others about him. About how he could never say "no" to a dare. Sometimes, people got carried away with that.

After performing his daily routine- quick breakfast, shower, do the hair, brush his teeth, quick shave, get dressed- he was out of the house. He didn't own a car, since he didn't have enough money to get that and a house when he first started, so he normally walked, or took the bus if it was a stormy day. Today, however, was not one of those days.

On his way to the nearest grocery store, he spotted a small, hairless cat hiding by a trashcan. It was clearly a lost pet, due to the lack of hair and how friendly it was to him when he picked him up. He had a little blue collar, which Scott looked at.

Wyatt Blue Grassi
9012 Pratt Street
San Diego, CA

Scott was absolutely bewildered. He lived in Los Angeles. This poor cat traveled this far, why? He pushed that question out of his mind for the moment.

He gently set the smal kitten in the pocket of his hoodie before continuing. The adorable creature let out a mewl before curling up and simply cat napping.

Eventually, Scott was inside the store. He knew what to get- nothing healthy. When he made it to the cashier, he had a basket full of cookies and a few bags of chips.

The cashier gave him a look before swiping the items. Scott sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Mother Earth to blonde male? That's gonna be 18.49." An annoyed voice made him look up. Scott sighed and fumbled around in his wallet.

"I.. I only have 15.." Scott mumbled. The cashier groaned.

"If Mommy didn't give you enough money to buy crap, then leave. I don't have time for this." The man retorted, forcing a frown on Scott's face.

"What if I just take all of this crap and leave with it?"

"Without paying?"

"Without paying for three dollars of groceries." Don't you dare say 'I dare you..'

"I dare you."

Scott picked up all the grocery bags and left the store.

He couldn't say no to a dare, anyway.

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