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Scott hated having guests at his place. It always meant that he had to tidy everything up and not look like a slob. Sure, he had a small apartment, but he was a messy individual. But who was messier? Him, or Mitch's cat? The world would never know.

A knock on the door made him lose his shit, dropping everything he had in his hands. "Shit-just a minute!" He called, quickly picking up his mess and cleaning up just a bit more before he got to the door. When he opened it, there was a short, brunette looking up at him with a scowl.

"So. You stole my cat."

"I didn't, I swear on my life. I found him by a trashcan and I took him in."

"Don't lie."

"I'm not!"

"I dare you to tell me the truth."

"And I am." Mitch's expression changed now.

"Oh.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come after you like that-"

"It's fine." Even Scott was surprised how fast he brushed it off. Normally, a false accusation would cling onto him like a fungus. Not this time. He stepped aside. "Come on in."

When he turned back inside after closing the door, he saw Mitch pacing inside, looking around. "Oh, there's my little demon." He scooped up the hairless bundle, which started purring the second Mitch picked him up. "I hope he wasn't a handful. He's a bit messy, ya know?"

"All too well, unfortunately. It's like having another person in the same apartment." Mitch giggled a bit. "You want anything? Water? Snacks?" Mitch shook his head.

"No, I ate before I came here. Thank you though." He sat himself down on the couch.

Well, great.. Scott thought. If he already ate, what else could he do other than just stand around, looking confused-

"Come on and sit down with me. Friends can sit next to each other." Mitch's voice pulled Scott out of his social awkwardness. That little grin he had.. Scott sat down next to Mitch, still allowing some space in between them.

"So.. you're planning on hanging out now?" He tried. Mitch nodded, rubbing Wyatt's ears. "Okay.. uhmm.."

"My god, Scott.." Mitch laughed a bit. "How about I kick off the conversation?" Scott nodded, sighing in relief. "There we go. What's your favorite color?"


"Like those gems of eyes you got?" Scott could feel heat arise to his cheeks.

"Uh-no-I mean.. no.." Mitch laughed again. Which didn't exactly make Scott feel better about it.

"You're a big doofus, but it's cute." Before Scott could respond to that, Mitch was asking the next question. "Favorite food?"

"F-Fried chicken.."

"Favorite YouTuber?"

That was a bit of an.. unusual question.. Still, Scott answered.

"Tyler Oakley.. or Miranda Sings, it's kinda a tie.."

"Good choice. What's your sign?"

"My what?"

"Your sign.. you know, Aries, Virgo, Leo, Cancer-"

"Oh, that.. I'm a Virgo."

"So your birthday is..?"

"September 17th."

"Noted. You have a turn on?"

That was the question Scott didn't want to come up.. a turn on? Really? He never liked talking about them, because he learned that whoever asked it would try to get him in bed later.. still, he somewhat trusted Mitch.

"I like it if people are ambitious. Like.. not really cocky and stuck up, but genuinely ambitious. If you're making yourself a huge goal, I'm attracted to you.." Mitch nodded along. This conversation is actually going well-

"What about a movie you wish would be turned into a musical?"

Oh god..

"Mean Girls."


Even Scott could admit it. He was absolute trash for that movie. He could quote the entire thing if he wanted..

"I mean, imagine Regina singing, "I'm from Michagen!"" Scott had no idea why he actually sang it, but the look on Mitch's face made him feel better.

"Girl, you got some damn soul. Do you do that often?" Scott shook his head, which earned a shocked expression. "Make yourself a career with that voice, holy shit."

"Well, I had some choir in high school.. I was kinda embarrassed about it, so I ditched it when I graduated.."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed of, Scott. Your voice is so nice.."

The chit chat continued for at least another hour, until Mitch left with his little Wyatt. And Scott could say, he didn't want him to leave. It was nice to have a friend, sometimes.

(A/N): I have a boyfriend now I can't not be single anymore can someone please be happy for me about this shit

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