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Scott woke up, barely able to remember the night before. What the hell happened? He thought, sitting up in bed. His alarm clock read 11:09 A.M..

As per usual, his hand traveled to his phone on rhe nightstand beside his bed. However, he was interrupted with the sound of glass shattering, followed by a wail.

A cat wail.

He groaned and stood up. He nearly forgot about the lost pet he had found a few days before. When he got into the living room, the hairless cat was curled up beside a mess of shattered green glass.

"Dammit Wyatt. That was my grandma's vase..." He mumbled. Meow.

"Of course you don't understand me.. damn cat.. c'mere, you had to have hurt yourself." He reached out to the pale gray skinned kitty, only to be hissed at.

"Don't give me that. Hold out your paw. You're fine." Scott ended up scooping him up. There was a piece of glass stuck in Wyatt's paw. When he made a move to pull it out, Wyatt hissed again.

"Shut the hell up.." He managed to pull it out without having a cat shred his arm to bits. Wyatt hopped onto the floor, growling.

"Oh, boo-hoo. You'll thank me later." Scott had the last word in. He went back in his room to grab his phone.

Two messages from Mitch.

Mitchell: Oh my god, you're really funny when you're drunkie and texting.
Mitchell: Annnd you fell asleep. Nice job.

Scott frowned a bit. Who the hell was Mitch?

Me: im awake.. who is this?

He was still trying to remember when his phone buzzed again.

Mitchell: It's Mitchie, remember? Your hangover must be really bad..

Scott still had a frown. Mitch.. Mitch.. was he that living piece of art?

Me: im sorry, i really dont.. did we meet last night? one of jeremys friends?

Mitchell: That'll be me. :)

He let out a breath. So he wasn't talking to some one-night stand. Not that he has one, but still.

Me: oh yeah, hi mitch

Mitchell: Hi, ya little hungover noodle.

Me: noodle?

Mitchell: Yep. :)

Now, a thought ran through Scott's head; what was Mitch's last name? That little hairless bundle of cat had to have an owner.

Me: hey um whats your last name?

Mitchell: Grassi.

Me: you dont have a hairless cat do you?

Mitchell: Why did you kidnap my Wyatt.

Me: nonono i didnt kidnap him i found him here

Mitchell: In your house?

Me: on the streets

Mitchell: Where do you live? I want him back.

Me: im not so sure i mean youre texting like you want to kill me

Mitchell: You still can't say no to a dare, right?

Me: dont you dare

Mitchell: I dare you to give me your address.

You know this by now. Scott can't say "no" to a dare. The big blonde gave him his address. He sighed as he heard a distant mewl. "Wyatt, your momma is coming home to get you."

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