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Jeremy Michael: so we're gonna meet at the bar.. that sound fair?

Scott was home now, in possession of basically stolen groceries. He had already opened a bag of Cheeto Puffs and destroyed at least half the bag. He sighed when he read the text. He never was much of a drinker.

Me: it sounds fine, i guess

Jeremy Michael: good, c'ya there

Scott turned off his phone and groaned. Knowing him, Jeremy would tell his friends that Scott couldn't say no to a dare, and if they were assholes, they would take advantage of him.

However, he thought, if they're actually nice, I'd like to meet them.

So, when the time came, he was at the bar Jeremy requested to meet at. Scott had cleaned up, shaving off the stubble that had formed on his face, doing his hair. He wanted to look presentable.

He spotted Jeremy at the counter, sipping at a bottle of beer. The brunette saw Scott and waved him over.

"So you actually came." Jeremy chuckled, offering him a beer. Scott shook his head. "Suit yourself."

"Have your friends showed up yet?" Scott asked, clearly wanting to just meet them and nothing else.

"They're stuck in typical L.A. traffic, but they'll be here in a few minutes." Jeremy shrugged his shoulders. Scott groaned, making Jeremy laugh.

"What's wrong, hotshot? Got a date?"

"With my bed, yes."

Jeremy looked up when he heard a feminine voice call his name. "They're here now." A grin spread across his face. Scott had no choice but to look where Jeremy's eyes were set.

There were two. A guy and a girl.

The girl was short. Very short. She possessed blonde hair that flowed past her shoulders and a right eyebrow piercing. She had a sweet face, which made Scott relax.

The man was taller than her, but not by much. His head was shaved, except for his bangs, which swept to the left of his face, nearly covering his eyes. A small ring peirced his septum. He was skinny, but he looked like a work of art.

And Scott kinda liked that.

The girl ran up to Jeremy and greeted him with a hug. The male just stood to the side, looking at Scott.

Scott just gave him a look before turning to Jeremy. "And these are..?"

The girl beat Jeremy to introductions. "I'm Kirstin, but you can call me Kirstie." She said, extending her hand to him. Scott shook it. "Scott."

"I'm Mitch.. or Mitchell. Whichever you'd prefer." The male said next. His voice was rather feminine. Scott shook his hand.

So he's the one I heard earlier, Scott thought when his hand fell back to his side.

"Y'all heard about Scottie, right?" Jeremy asked once the newcomers had settled down. They both shook their heads. Scott rolled his eyes.

"Jeremy, do not tell them." He mumbled in his ear. Jeremy just grinned.

"He can't say no to a dare. That's why he's unemployed and has no money." Scott smacked his shoulder, making Kirstin giggle.

"I have a job, but shitty income for it.. but I can't say no to a dare, that's true." He said, glancing at Mitchell, who seemed a bit intrigued by this.

"Can I dare you to do something right now?" Mitch asked. Scott shrugged. "I dare you to get a drink, you sober shit."

And Scott did just that, ordering a bit of vodka tonic for himself.

"And he goes straight for the strongest shit here." Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Sure, he'll say no to a beer if you don't dare him."

"Well, beer is kinda bland." Kirstin said with a shrug.

"It satisfies me." Jeremy protested.

"And only you." Kirstie countered. Mitch laughed.

"Drag her, sis."

Scott just shook his head. "How long are you two in town?" He asked.

"A few weeks. We both finally got a long vacation from work." Kirstie said, nodding to Mitch.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked. Mitch immediately had a little smirk.

"Not doing me." That made Scott spew out his drink, laughing. Kirstie and Jeremy joined him.

"Mitch, if you don't know, is highly homosexual." Jeremy forced out. Scott shook his head.

"I never knew." Scott decided to roll with it, making Mitch giggle.

"Now you do. And Mitchie, this blonde dummy is also gay, so get some sometime." Jeremy stated. Scott groaned.


"I'm helping you."

Eventually, Kirstie had to drive Jeremy back to his house, where she was staying. Of course, Scott offered to take him back, but Kirstie insisted. Scott, instead, turned to Mitch, who was looking at his phone.

"Do you have a place to crash?" He asked. Mitch looked up.

"I do, some little Motel 6 a few blocks away from here. I can drive myself." He said, shoving his phone back in his pocket. Scott nodded.

"Well, it was nice meeting you." As Scott extended his hand for a simple handshake, Mitch had wrapped his arms around his neck. The blonde fixed himself and hugged him back.

"Hey Scott?"


"I dare you to call me."

When Mitch had driven away, Scott checked his pocket. There was little sheet of paper. It wasn't there before. When he looked at it, he saw numbers.

He couldn't say no to a dare.

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