When He Blushes

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I finally arrived at America's house and he said that he planned a party just for me and we have a movie to watch together along with other countries namely France, England, Finland, and of course my best friend, Canada. I smiled thinking about seeing Canada and the others again since I haven't seen them for like a few weeks cause' I went to Tokyo, Japan with Japan himself and South Korea for a tour and I did a bunch of shopping. 

I knocked on the door and eventually it was answered by none other than my other best friend, America. "Dudette! You're finally here! The others and I missed you so much especially Canada!", said America as he gave me a hug. "Hey, America! Glad to back, I even brought some japanese chocolates with me", I said with a smile. America's eyes sparkled and exclaimed, "Chocolate?! Great! Come in, (Y/N). The others are waiting for your arrival and your welcome back party might start later on".

 I entered America's house and saw France, England, Finland and Canada inside the living room watching a football game on television. I smiled and ran inside saying, "Hey guys!". They gasped and saw my arrival just in time. "(Y/N)! You're back!", Finland said as he gave you a hug. France and England hugged me as well as a warm welcome and finally Canada stood there with a dorky smile on his face. Just when I was about to say anything, America exclaimed, "Sweet lady liberty! I forgot that we prepared a feast just for you. I'll be right back!". 

"Hey! I need to prepare her one of my English food, I just hope it satisfies her", said England as he followed America. France gave a disgusted look and said, "I don't know about that, England. I hope it's not one of your scones again but good thing I brought one of her favorite deserts". Finland chuckled and said, "They're way too excited. Anyway, we'll be back in just a sec, (Y/N). Canada, you coming?". Canada shook his head and replied, "Maybe later. I want just want to speak with (Y/N) for a while". Finland nodded cheerfully and ran towards the kitchen with lots of loud chattering. I laughed and looked at Canada saying, "Hi, Canada. Miss me?". He smiled and nodded, "Y-yeah. I really missed you even Kumajiro misses you especially when you prepared him food most of the time". I giggled and gave him a hug. He blinked a few times and and a blush was spreading across his cheeks. He hugged back and it made you smile gently. When we let go, Canada's face was red and he scratched the back of his neck with a shy smile which made him cuter. I smiled widely and said, "Shall we go, Canada? Hehe, I'm sure everyone is looking for us". He stood up straight and said softly still having his usual blush on his face, "S-Sure! Let's go together!". With that, he took my hand and we went to the kitchen to see what food they prepared for my welcome home party.

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