Chapter Two

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I felt sick. So so very sick. I had avoided Harry at every possible avenue the past few years, if I knew he would be at a work event then I simply didn't go. For me, the fourth floor was out of bounds, that was Harry's kingdom, and I didn't wish to be anywhere near it.

Ruby had, eventually, gotten over him and had stated that she never truly loved him, it was lust. Apparently they had never had anything in common and she was much happier with Alex, whom she met after she had planned his birthday party (she owned an events company and was always asked to do celebrities wild parties and dinners) and he had completely swept her off her feet. I had to admit, they were sickeningly cute together and she certainly suited sitting in the Wimbledon stands cheering on her man.

I had rung her as soon as Louise told me the news, racing to the toilet to make the call before I had to go and face him.

“Rubes, what the heck am I going to do? I can't work for him!” I whined as soon as I had explained the situation.

“Why not? He's a talented guy, can't deny that. Yes, he treated me like rubbish, but we were young and silly and let's be honest, he did me a favour! If I had married him I would be miserable, and never would have met Alex. I've gotten over it Belle, so why can't you?” She had a point.

“Well... I just think if he can treat his fiancee like that, what's he going to be like to his staff? I just don't like him Rubes.”

“You're going to have to move on, thank you for being an amazing loyal friend but I'm happy now, sure I wouldn't want to see the man again and yes, at the time, I thought I would die of a broken heart, but like I said, it was for the best in the end. I'm sure he'll be an amazing boss and this job sounds great. Have fun!” She reassured me some more and then hung up and I was left feeling a little deflated. I knew she was over him and that she was happy, I also knew they had been young and little reckless when they were together – and never ever right for one another. So why was I acting like this?

I suppressed a little niggling thought that kept pushing it's way into my mind. You like him. No. NO. That wasn't it! Was it? Oh god, was the reason I didn't want to work with Harry because I didn't think I could help myself around him?! All the time he had been with Ruby we had gotten on well, chatted while she got ready, had a laugh on drunken nights out... But he had been my best friends boyfriend, I thought he was gorgeous, of course, but I thought it was nice we got on, and Ruby loved that fact. Had I actually been crushing on the guy the whole time?!

I'd been happy with Charlie but eventually realised it wasn't going anywhere and since then there had been no one else serious. Was Harry the cause of that? No... It couldn't be! I hadn't seen him for years and I hated him. I hated his lack of respect, his arrogance, his attitude, everything!

Feeling suitably reassured, I put my phone away and made my way to his office, trying to ignore my nausea.

I got the lift to fourth and as soon as I stepped out I crashed into a tornado of blonde hair, papers flying everywhere. It was my friend, Laura, who worked for She and Him. She was tiny, and stunning, with a heart shaped face, huge blue eyes and long, curly white blonde hair.

"BELLE!” She shrieked, grinning, causing a few of the other members of her team to glance over. “On the fourth floor?! Must be seeing things...” Laura was the features editor on the magazine and had, apparently, not heard about my promotion.

“You'll be seeing a lot more of me Lau, I'm your new deputy editor.” I couldn't help but smile at her expression.

“You have GOT to be joking?! You're actually working for Harry? The man you loathe?”

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