Chapter Five

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“This was LONG overdue!” Ruby slurred, downing another drink and grinning. I sent a quick text to her and Laura and our other friends Megan and Sophie who were all keen and excited for a night out.

After a quick change where I had tied my dark, glossy curls into a neat, high ponytail and slung on a tight black dress and a slick of red lipstick, I was ready to go. The girls had come to mine where we had worked our way though a few bottles of wine, and now we were in our favourite bar, my worries from the day almost forgotten.

“Definitely.” I agreed. I turned towards the bar and noticed that Laura was flirting with the guy she had spotted as soon as we had come in, he was gorgeous, not quite as lovely as Ha-- no, no Isabelle don't even go there. Tonight was about having fun with my friends, it was not about that man. Seeing Laura looking happy did give me a tinge of jealousy. She would go home with that guy and have amazing sex, I had all but forgotten what sex even was, no matter how close I had been to having it with Harry that day.

“So, congratulations to our best friend who is deputy editor of the biggest magazine on the PLANET!” Megan's voice brought me back to the group, who were holding up champagne glasses ready for a toast. “You may be working for your worst enemy, who also happens to look like a sex God, but you are strong, and amazing and I know you will work your socks off, whether or not you hate your boss.” She cheered and the other girls laughed.

“Thanks Meg. All I hope is that he and I don't kill one another – and he is not a sex God.” I frowned at her but could even hear the lie in my own voice. I glanced around the bar, not a single one of the men in there was a patch on Harry – as much as it pained me to think it.

“Oh my god look Alex is here! I so didn't expect to see him!” I heard Ruby cry and I turned to face where she was looking. Alex and his friend Paul were heading our way and I suppressed a groan. I loved Alex, but couldn't Ruby have had one night away from him?! As if she wouldn't have known he was coming, they lived together! Plus Sophie and Paul had been sleeping together for a few weeks, so that was those two gone for the rest of the evening. Some girls night this was turning into.

I greeted the boys and before I could blink they were wrapped around their women in passionate embraces. Megan had disappeared to join Laura on the dance floor so that left... Me. I headed to the bar for another drink and was waiting in the queue when I felt someone pressing themselves against my back. Hands wrapped around my waist and I was all but ready to turn around and punch them, when I heard a whisper in my ear and a voice that had me groaning.

“You look incredible Belle.” Harry murmured in my ear. His voice sent tingles down my spine and a low ache spread between my legs, okay so apparently when I was drunk he had even more of an effect on me. This was not good.

I turned to face him and had to catch my breath. He was in a tight cotton shirt, rolled at the sleeves showing off his incredible toned, tanned arms. He had slim cut grey jeans on that revealed a prominent bulge that had me practically ripping his clothes off then and there, it was embarrassing how hot I found him, and embarrassing how obvious I was making it by the blush in my cheeks and my heavy breathing.

“Wh... What... What are you doing here Harry? You don't go here.” I stuttered. I had been coming to this bar every other Friday for months and had never seen him here. Why now?

“I bumped into Laura at the office, she told me she was heading here with you tonight... Our phone call earlier made me feel strange, I hate this Belle.” He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, I followed the motion, wondering what it would feel like to run my hands through it, dragging his face down to mine, kissing him passionately as we tore each others clothes off... I felt a pooling in my knickers at the thought. I mentally slapped myself, what was wrong with me?! Hours earlier I had told him I wanted nothing to do with him romantically and here I was practically picturing myself on my knees, taking him in my mouth... NO, stop it Isabelle! My head was all over the place.

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